Dynamic systems (SSDD-UIB)
Publications in journals
- Coll, B.; Li, C.; Prohens, R., "Quadratic perturbations of a class of quadratic reversible systems with two centers", "Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems", Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 699-729, 2009. Paper.
- Álvarez, M.J.; Gasull, A.; Prohens, R., "Configurations of critical points in complex polynomial differential equations", "Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications", Volume 71, Issue 3-4, Pages 923-934, 2009. Paper.
- Álvarez, M.J.; Bravo, J.L.; Fernandez, M., "Uniqueness of limit cycles for polynomial first-order differential equations", "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications", Volume 360, Pages 168-189, 2009. Paper.