REsearch Group in Applied Linguistics (REGAL)
Other publicacions
- Pérez-Vidal, C.; Juan-Garau, M. and Mora, J.C.. , "The effects of formal instruction and study abroad contexts on foreign language development: The SALA project", Implicit and Explicit Language Learning. Conditions, Processes and Knowledge in SLA and Bilingualism (Eds. C. Sanz and R. P. Leow). United States, 2011. Book chapter.
- Juan-Garau, M.; Pérez-Vidal, C.. , "Trilingual primary education in the Balearic Islands", Trilingual Primary Education in Europe: Some Developments with Regard to the Provisions of Trilingual Primary Education in Minority Language Communities of the European Union (Eds. I. Bangma, C. van der Meer and A. Riemersma). Netherlands, 2011. Book chapter.
- Juan-Garau, M.; Pérez-Vidal, C.. , "Trilingual primary education in the Valencian Community", Trilingual Primary Education in Europe: Some Developments with Regard to the Provisions of Trilingual Primary Education in Minority Language Communities of the European Union (Eds. I. Bangma, C. van der Meer and A. Riemersma). Netherlands, 2011. Book chapter.
- Pérez-Vidal, C.; Juan-Garau, M.. , "Trilingual primary education in Catalonia", Trilingual Primary Education in Europe: Some Developments with Regard to the Provisions of Trilingual Primary Education in Minority Language Communities of the European Union (Eds. I. Bangma, C. van der Meer and A. Riemersma). Netherlands, 2011. Book chapter.
- Bastida Rodríguez, P.; Calafat Ripoll, C.; Fernández Morales, M.; Prieto Arranz, J.I.; Suárez Gómez, C.. , "Pasado, presente y futuro de la cultura popular: espacios y contextos", CD. Spain, 2011. Publisher.
- Karen Jacob. , "The Function of cultural elements in the acquisition of English as an international language: ELT as a global cultural phenomenon.", Current trends in Anglophone studies: cultural, linguistic and literary research Javier Ruano García, María Jesús Fernández Gil, Miriam Borham Pujal, María José Diéz García, Santiago Bautista Martín, Pedro Álvarez Mosquerra and Blanca García Riaza (Eds.). Spain, 2011. Book chapter.
- Conxita Lleó; Susana Cortés; Ariadna Benet. , "Reanalitzant la vocal neutra barcelonina", Noves aproximacions a la fonologia i la morfologia del català. Volum d'homenatge a Max W. Wheeler. Spain, 2011. Book chapter.
- Ariadna Benet; Conxita Lleó; Susana Cortés. , "Phrase boundary distribution in Catalan: Applying the prosodic hierarchy to spontaneous speech", Intonational Phrasing in Romance and Germanic. Netherlands, 2011. Book chapter.
- Susana Cortés; Conxita Lleó; Ariadna Benet. , "Analyzing the status of Catalan schwa in Barcelona", CD-Rom Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences XVII. China, 2011. Others.
- Conventry, K, Guijarro-Fuentes, P and Valdes, B. , "Spatial Language in L2 users", Language and Bilingual Cognition. United States, 2011. Book chapter.
- Guijarro-Fuentes, P and Marinis, T. , "Voicing Language dominance: the acquisition of interfaces by English/Spanish bilingual adolescents", Bilingual Youth: Spanish in English-speaking societies. Netherlands, 2011. Book chapter.
- Honesto Herrera-Soler, Rosario Martínez-Arias Rosario; Marian Amengual-Pizarro. , "Estadística Aplicada a la Investigación Lingüística". Spain, 2011. Book.