REsearch Group in Applied Linguistics (REGAL)

Scientific production

On this page you may look up an important part of the group’s research activity, classified into different sections, though the information given mustn’t necessarily represent the group’s complete scientific production.

The following sections can be included:

  • Projects and contracts: This section lists the subsidized projects attributed to the group or the group is working in at present, as well as the contracts signed with companies
  • Publications in journals: This section contains the publications made in journals by researching members of the group. This will include articles and reviews already published or accepted for publishing.
  • Other publicacions: This section lists publications such as edited books, either as an author or editor, chapters of books, reviews, research reports, work papers, and multimedia publications. In the latter case, both contributions already published and contributions accepted for publishing will be included.
  • Meetings participation: This section includes all papers or communications issued at workshops and national or international meetings, whether posters, oral communications or relevant tasks (plenary sessions, invitations to conferences, etc.).
  • Patent rights: This section includes the granted patent rights and utility models. These are titles granted by the State giving the holder the right to prevent others temporarily from manufacturing, selling or commercially using the protected invention. Here included are also other inventions protected by a specific industrial property title.
  • Thesis and research works: This section shows the theses, minor theses and research works the group members participated in as authors or directors.
  • Business spheres: This section shows all the business spheres the group had been or is presently working in.
  • Services offered: This section includes information concerning the services offered by the research group.
  • Enterprises Training: This section contains all such training activities (seminaries, courses, permanent training, Masters, etc.) as may be of interest for companies and which the group may be ready to organize or perform.
  • Techniques or tools: This section includes information on the techniques usually applied or instruments usually used by the research group.
  • Research contacts: This section shows the research contacts with whom an interaction is maintained within the sphere of activities developed by the group. This doesn’t necessarily imply the existence of official links (for example, joint projects or collaboration agreements).
  • Observations: This section may include additional observations concerning the group not specified in any of the previous sections.