Overview of the research activity

The background of the group dates back to the research project Rational approaches to the theory of justice in today's world, directed since 1993 by Albert Saoner, and to the successive researches and projects developed in continuity with that, directed by Alberto Saoner, and later by Bernat Riutort, since 1999, around Justice and social transformations in the crisis of the Welfare State; and Globalization, democratic legitimacy and sustainability.

In line with that pivotal moment in the development of practical philosophy - moral, political and social - in Spain and relations with Ibero-America, the group regularly participated in the activities of the collective of Spanish and Latin American researchers articulated around the Ibero-American Association of Political Philosophy and the International Journal of Political Philosophy, and to a large extent developed its international relations, teaching and research in the South American field, and in particular Argentina. One of the fruits of this work was the creation of the Permanent Seminar on Ibero-American Social and Political Analysis of the UIB, where during the first decade of this 21st century we were accompanied by prominent intellectuals from the best universities and research institutes in Latin America.

The research carried out during the first decade of the century focuses on the problems that changes in the conceptions of politics and the political in the era of globalization pose for democratic legitimation: global ecological change, the consequences of complex modernity , the transformations of the work society and the changes in welfare regimes. At that time, the idea of ??citizenship - in its different cultural, social, political and ecological dimensions - articulated the research underway, reflected, among others, in the book Inquiry into Citizenship (2007).

More recently, our research has reinforced, on the one hand, the axis of gender and feminist studies, especially as a result of participation in the research project The Europe of Women. Political Construction and New Forms of Citizenship (FFI2012-33557, 2013-2015), directed by Maria Xosé Agra. On the other hand, we have paid attention to the range of new forms of democratic political articulation, addressed in the project Public Sphere and Emerging Subjects (FFI2016-75603-R, 2016-2020), directed by Joaquín Valdivielso and Bernat Riutort, and in the current Biological reproduction, social reproduction and public sphere (PID2020-115079RB-I00, 2021-2025), directed by Lucrecia Burges and J. Valdivielso.

Currently, the Seminar on Practical Philosophy, following the Political and Social Analysis Seminar and the Permanent Seminar on Ibero-American Social and Political Analysis, of which it continues, is the main space for dissemination and discussion for the general public.