Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions

Publications in journals

  • Bogeat-Triboulot MB; Buré C; Douthe C; Hummel I; Le Thiec D; Wildagen H; Smith H; Pili M Valdes-Fragoso; Gerardin T; Chuste PA; Durand M; Cohen D; Flexas J; Taylor G; Polle A; Brendel O, "Additive effects of high growth rate and low transpiration rate drive differences in whole plant transpiration efficiency among black poplar genotypes", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 166, Issue 103784, 2019. Paper.
  • López-Pozo M; Flexas J; Gulías J; Carriquí M; Nadal M; Perera-Castro A; Clemente-Moreno MJ; Gago J; Núñez-Olivera E; Martínez-Abaigar J; Hernández A; Artetxe U; Bentley J; Farrant JM; Verhoeven A; García-Plazaola JI; Fernández-Marín B, "A field portable method for the semi-quantitative estimation of dehydration tolerance of photosynthetic tissues across distantly related land plants.", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 167, Issue 4, Pages 540-555, 2019. Paper.
  • Marc Carriquí, Margalida Roig?Oliver, Timothy J. Brodribb, Rafael Coopman, Warwick Gill, Kristiina Mark, Ülo Niinemets, Alicia V. Perera?Castro, Miquel Ribas?Carbó, Lawren Sack, Tiina Tosens, Mashuri Waite, Jaume Flexas, "Anatomical constraints to non-stomatal diffusion conductance and photosynthesis in lycophytes and bryophytes", "New Phytologist", Volume 222, Issue 3, Pages 1256-1270, 2019. Paper.
  • Baraza, E.; Bota, J.; Romero-Munar, A.; Nogales, B., "Aplicación de la técnica Biolog¿ ECO-plate para el estudio del perfil fisiológico de las comunidades microbianas del suelo agrícola", "Ecosistemas", Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 46-53, 2019. Review.
  • Romero-Munar, A.; Baraza, E.; Gulías, J.; Cabot, C., "Arbuscutar Mycorrhizal Fungi Confer Salt Toterance in Giant Reed (Arundo donax L.) Ptants Grown Under Low Phosphorus by Reducing Leaf Na+ Concentration and lmproüng Phosphorus Use Efficienry', by Antónia Romero-Munar., Etena Baraza, Jaüer Gutías and Catatina Cabot", "Frontiers In Plant Science", 2019. Paper.
  • Margalida Roig-Oliver; Miquel Nadal; María José Clemente-Moreno; Josefina Bota; Jaume Flexas, "Cell wall components regulate photosynthesis and leaf water relations of Vitis vinifera cv. Grenache grown under different environmental conditions", "Journal of Plant Physiology", 2019. Paper.
  • Fabbrini F; Ludovisi R; Alasia O; Flexas J; Douthe C; Ribas-Carbo MR; Robson P; Taylor G; Scarascia-Mugnozza G; Keurentjes JJB; Harfouche A, "Characterization of phenology, physiology, morphology and biomass traits across a broad Euro-Mediterranean ecotypic panel of the lignocellulosic feedstock Arundo donax", "Global Change Biology Bioenergy", Volume 11, Pages 152-170, 2019. Paper.
  • C. Gervilla; J. Rita; J. Cursach, "Contaminant seeds in imported crop seed lots: a non- negligible human-mediated pathway for introduction of plant species to islands", "Weed Research", Volume 59, Issue 3, Pages 245-253, 2019. Paper.
  • Toro G; Flexas J; Escalona JM, "Contrasting leaf porometer and infra-red gas analyser methodologies: an old paradigm about the stomatal conductance measuremen", "Theoretical And Experimental Plant Physiology", Volume 31, Pages 483-492, 2019. Paper.
  • L.G. Santesteban; C. Miranda; D. Marín; B. Sesma; D.S. Intrigliolo; J.M. Mirás-Avalos;J.M. Escalona; A. Montoro; F. de Herralde; P. Baeza; P. Romero; J. Yuste; D. Uriarte;J. Martínez-Gascueña; J.J. Cancela; V. Pinillos; M. Loidi; J. Urrestarazu; J.B. Royo, "Discrimination ability of leaf and stem water potential at different times of the day through a meta-analysis in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)", "Agricultural Water Management", Issue 221, Pages 202-210, 2019. Paper.
  • Miquel Capó, Joana Cursach & Juan Rita, "Disentangling the pollination system of the food-deceptive orchid Anacamptis longicornu(Orchidaceae): from breeding system to spatio- temporal variation in reproductive success", "Plant Biosystems", 2019. Paper.
  • Azeñas, V; Janner, I; Medrano, H; Gulías, J., "Evaluating the establishment performance of six native perennial Mediterranean species for use in extensive Green roofs under water-limiting conditions.", "Urban Forestry & Urban Greening", Pages 158-169, 2019. Paper.
  • Concepción Íñiguez; Sebastià Capó-Bauçà; Ülo Niinemets; Heather Stoll; Pere Aguiló-Nicolau; Jeroni Galmés, "Evolutionary trends in RuBisCO kinetics and their co-evolution with CO2 concentrating mechanisms", "Plant Journal", Volume 101, Issue 4, Pages 897-918, 2019. Review.
  • Hermida-Carrera C; Fares MA; Font-Carrascosa M; Kapralov MV; Koch MA; Mir A; Molins A; Ribas-Carbó M; Rocha J; Galmés J, "Exploring molecular evolution of Rubisco in C3 and CAM Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae", "Bmc Evolutionary Biology", Volume 20, Pages 1-17, 2019. Paper.
  • Marc Carriquí; Cyril Douthe; Arántzazu Molins; Jaume Flexas, "Leaf anatomy does not explain apparent short-term responses of mesophyll conductance to light and CO2 in tobacco", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 165, Issue 3, Pages 604-618, 2019. Paper.
  • Esther Hernández-Montes; Magdalena Tomás; José M. Escalona; Josefina Bota; Hipolito Medrano, "Leaf growth rate and nitrogen content determine respiratory costs during leaf expansion in grapevines", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 165, Pages 746-754, 2019. Paper.
  • Conesa MÀ; Mus M; Galmés J, "Leaf size as a key determinant of contrasting growth patterns in closely related Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) species", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 240, Pages 152984, 2019. Paper.
  • Capó-Bauçà, S.; Marqués, A.; Llopis-Vidal, N.; Bota, J. and Baraza, E., "Long-term establishment of natural green cover provides agroecosystem services by improving soil quality in a Mediterranean vineyard", "Ecological Engineering", Volume 127, Pages 285-291, 2019. Paper.
  • Gago J; Carriqui M; Nadal M; Clemente-Moreno MJ; Coopman RE; Fernie AR; Flexas J, "Photosynthesis optimized across land plant's phylogeny", "Trends in Plant Science", Volume 24, Issue 10, Pages 947-958, 2019. Review.
  • Conesa MÀ; Galmés J, "Photosynthesis response to severe water deficit in terminal stems of Myriolimon ferulaceum", "Photosynthetica", Volume 57, Issue 4, Pages 921-930, 2019. Paper.
  • Fernández-Marín B; Gago J; Clemente MJ; Flexas J; Gulias J; García-Plazaola JI, "Plant pigment cycles in the high Arctic", "Polar Biology", Volume 42, Pages 675-684, 2019. Paper.
  • Galmés, J.; Capó-Bauçà, S.; Niinemets, Ü. y Iñiguez, C., "Potential improvement of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in crops by exploiting the natural variation in the temperature response of Rubisco catalytic traits", "Current Opinion in Plant Biology", Volume 49, Pages 60-67, 2019. Paper.
  • Iñiguez C; Galmés J; Gordillo FJL, "Rubisco carboxylation kinetics and inorganic carbon utilization in polar versus cold-temperate seaweeds", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 70, Pages 1283-1297, 2019. Paper.
  • Joan Estrany; Maurici Ruiz; Aleix Calsamiglia; Marc Carriquí; Julián García-Comendador; Miquel Nadal; Josep Fortesa; José A. López-Tarazón; Hipólito Medrano; Jorge Gago, "Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: High-resolution imagery for ecosystem management.", "Science of the Total Environment", Volume 671, Pages 1192-1205, 2019. Paper.
  • Fullana-Pericàs, Mateu; Conesa, Miquel À.; Pérez-Alfocea, Francisco y Galmés, Jeroni, "The influence of grafting on crops' photosynthetic performance", "Plant Science", Pages 1-14, 2019. Review.
  • I Tortosa; JM Escalona; C Douthe; A Pou; E. Garcia-Escudero; G Toro; H Medrano, "The intra-cultivar variability on water use efficiency at different water status as a target selection in grapevine: Influence of ambient and genotype", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 223, 2019. Paper.
  • Bartolome, J.; Baraza, E.; Espunya, M.C.; Castells, E.; Rivera-Sánchez, L. y Broncano, M.J., "Tolerance to severe browsing of three shrub species on Mediterranean islands.", "Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology", Volume 98, Pages 30-35, 2019. Paper.
  • Fullana-Pericàs, Mateu; Conesa, M. Àngel; Douthe, Cyril; El Aou-ouad, Hanan; Ribas-Carbó, Miquel y Galmés, Jeroni, "Tomato landraces as a source to minimize yield losses and improve fruit quality under water deficit conditions", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 223, Pages 1-10, 2019. Paper.
  • Ignacio Tortosa; Cyril Douthe; Alicia Pou; Pedro Balda; Esther Hernandez-Montes; Guillermo Toro; José M. Escalona; Hipólito Medrano, "Variability in water use efficiency of grapevine Tempranillo clones and stability over years at field conditions", "Agronomy Journal", Volume 9, Issue 11, Pages 1-11, 2019. Paper.
  • Nadal M; Flexas J, "Variation in photosynthetic characteristics with growth form in a water-limited scenario: Implications for assimilation rates and water use efficiency in crops", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 216, Pages 457-472, 2019. Paper.