Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions

Publications in journals

  • Romero-Munar, A., Baraza, E., Cifre, J., Achir, C., Gulías, J., "Leaf plasticity and stomatal regulation determines the ability of Arundo donax plantlets to cope with water stress", "Photosynthetica", Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 698-706, 2018. Paper in press.
  • Haworth, Matthew; Scutt, Charles P.; Douthe, Cyril; Marino, G (Marino, Giovanni)[ 1 ] ; Gomes, MTG (Gomes, Marcos Thiago Gaudio)[ 1,4 ] ; Loreto, F (Loreto, Francesco)[ 5 ] ; Flexas, J (Flexas, Jaume)[ 3 ] ; Centritto, M (Centritto, Mauro), "Allocation of the epidermis to stomata relates to stomatal physiological control: Stomatal factors involved in the evolutionary diversification of the angiosperms and development of amphistomaty", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 151, Pages 55-63, 2018. Paper.
  • Del-Saz, Nestor Fernandez; Ribas-Carbo, Miquel; McDonald, Allison E; Lambers, Hans; Fernie, Alisdair R; Florez-Sarasa, Igor, "An In Vivo Perspective of the Role(s) of the Alternative Oxidase Pathway.", "Trends in Plant Science", 2018. Paper.
  • Flexas, J; Gago, J, "A role for ecophysiology in the 'omics' era.", "Plant Journal", 2018. Paper in press.
  • Fuentes? S.; Hernández-Montes? E.; Escalona? JM.; Bota? J.; Gonzalez Viejo? C.; Poblete-Echeverría? C.; Tongson? E.; Medrano? H., "Automated grapevine cultivar classification based on machine learning using leaf morpho-colorimetry, fractal dimension and near-infrared spectroscopy parameters", "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture", Volume 151, Pages 311-318, 2018. Paper.
  • Fullana-Pericàs M; Ponce J; Conesa MÀ; Juan A; Ribas-Carbó M; Galmés J, "Changes in yield, growth and photosynthesis in a drought-adapted Mediterranean tomato landrace (Solanum lycopersicum 'Ramellet') when grafted onto commercial rootstocks and Solanum pimpinellifolium", "Scientia Horticulturae", Volume 233, Pages 70-77, 2018. Paper.
  • El Aou-ouad, H.; Bota, J.; Obata,T.; Montero, R.; Fernie, AR.; Medrano, H.; Pou, A.; Florez-Sarasa, I., "Combined drought and virus infection trigger aspects of respiratory metabolism related to grapevine physiological responses", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 231, Pages 19-30, 2018. Paper.
  • Xiong, D; Douthe, C; Flexas, J, "Differential coordination of stomatal conductance, mesophyll conductance, and leaf hydraulic conductance in response to changing light across species.", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 41, Pages 436-450, 2018. Paper.
  • Joana Cursach; Jeroni J. Orell; Juan Rita, "Experiences of historical introductions in Majorca: the case of Ranunculus weyleri (Ranunculaceae)" [], "Lazaroa", Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 157-165, 2018. Paper.
  • Gulías, J.; Melis, R.; Scordia, D.; Cifre, J.; Testa, G.; Cosentino, S.; Porqueddu, C., "Exploring the potential of wild perennial grasses as a biomass source in semi-arid Mediterranean environments", "Italian Journal Of Agronomy", Volume 13, Pages 937-945, 2018. Paper.
  • Jaume Flexas; Marc Carriquí; Miquel Nadal, "Gas exchange and hydraulics during drought in crops: who drives whom?", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 69, Issue 16, Pages 3791-3795, 2018. Paper.
  • Wildhagen, Henning; Paul, Shanty; Allwright, Mike; Smith, HK (Smith, Hazel K.)[ 2 ] ; Malinowska, M (Malinowska, Marta)[ 3 ] ; Schnabel, SK (Schnabel, Sabine K.)[ 4 ] ; Paulo, MJ (Paulo, M. Joao)[ 4 ] ; Cattonaro, F (Cattonaro, Federica)[ 5 ] ; Vendramin, V (Vendramin, Vera)[ 5 ] ; Scalabrin, S (Scalabrin, Simone)[ 5 ] ; Janz, D (Janz, Dennis)[ 1 ] ; Douthe, C (Douthe, Cyril)[ 6 ] ; Brendel, O (Brendel, Oliver)[ 7 ] ; Bure, C (Bure, Cyril)[ 7 ] ; Cohen, D (Cohen, David)[ 7 ] ; Hummel, I (Hummel, Irene)[ 7 ] ; Le Thiec, D (Le Thiec, Didier)[ 7 ] ; van Eeuwijk, F (van Eeuwijk, Fred)[ 4 ] ; Keurentjes, JJB (Keurentjes, Joost J. B.)[ 8 ] ; Flexas, J (Flexas, Jaume)[ 6 ] ; Morgante, M (Morgante, Michele)[ 9 ] ; Robson, P (Robson, Paul)[ 3 ] ; Bogeat-Triboulot, MB (Bogeat-Triboulot, Marie-Beatrice)[ 7 ] ; Taylor, G (Taylor, Gail)[ 2 ] ; Polle, A (Polle, Andrea), "Genes and gene clusters related to genotype and drought-induced variation in saccharification potential, lignin content and wood anatomical traits in Populus nigra", "Tree Physiology", Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 320-339, 2018. Paper.
  • Juan Rita; Miquel Capó; Eva Moragues; Josefina Bota; Joana Cursach, "Hybridization processes in an introduced subpopulation of an endangered plant: Management strategies to guarantee the conservation of Helosciadium bermejoi ( Apiaceae )" [], "Journal For Nature Conservation", Volume 41, Pages 26-34, 2018. Paper.
  • Sáez PL; Cavieres LA; Galmés J; Gil?Pelegrín E; Peguero?Pina JJ; Sancho?Knapik D; Vivas M; Sanhueza C; Ramírez CF; Rivera BK; Corcuera LJ; Bravo LA, "In situ warming in the Antarctic: effects on growth and photosynthesis in Antarctic vascular plants", "New Phytologist", Volume 218, Pages 1406-1418, 2018. Paper.
  • Romero-Munar, A.; Baraza, E.; Cifre, J.; Achir, C.; Gulías, J., "Leaf plasticity and stomatal regulation determines the ability of Arundo donax plantlets to cope with water stress", "Photosynthetica", Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 698-706, 2018. Paper.
  • Jimei Han; Zhangying Lei; Jaume Flexas; Yujie Zhang; Marc Carriquí; Wangfeng Zhang; Yali Zhang, "Mesophyll conductance in cotton bracts: anatomically determined internal CO2 diffusion constraints on photosynthesis", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 69, Issue 22, Pages 5433-5443, 2018. Paper.
  • Sáez P; Galmés J; Ramírez CF; Poblete L; Rivera BK; Cavieres JA; Clemente-Moreno MA; Flexas J; Bravo LA, "Mesophyll conductance to CO2 is the most significant limitation to photosynthesis at different temperatures and water availabilities in Antarctic vascular species", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 156, Pages 279-287, 2018. Paper.
  • Fernandez-San Millan, Alicia; Aranjuelo, Iker; Douthe, Cyril; Nadal, M (Nadal, Miquel)[ 2 ] ; Ancin, M (Ancin, Maria)[ 1 ] ; Larraya, L (Larraya, Luis)[ 1 ] ; Farran, I (Farran, Inmaculada)[ 1 ] ; Flexas, J (Flexas, Jaume)[ 2 ] ; Veramendi, J (Veramendi, Jon), "Physiological performance of transplastomic tobacco plants overexpressing aquaporin AQP1 in chloroplast membranes.", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 69, Issue 15, Pages 3661-3673, 2018. Paper.
  • Nadal, M.; Flexas, J.; Gulías, J., "Possible link between photosynthesis and leaf modulus of elasticity among vascular plants: a new player in leaf traits relationships?", "Ecology Letters", Volume 21, Pages 1372-1379, 2018. Paper.
  • Joana Cursach; Eva Moragues; Juan Rita, "The key role of accompanying species in the response of the critically endangered Naufraga balearica (Apiaceae) to climatic factors", "Plant Ecology", Volume 219, Issue 5, Pages 561-576, 2018. Paper.
  • Galdon?Armero J; Fullana?Pericàs M; Mulet PA; Conesa MA; Martin C; Galmés J, "The ratio of trichomes to stomata is associated with water use efficiency in tomato", "Plant Journal", Volume 96, Pages 607-619, 2018. Paper.
  • V. Azeñas; J. Cuxart; R. Picos; H. Medrano; G. Simó; A. López-Grifol; J. Gulías, "Thermal regulation capacity of a green roof system in the Mediterranean region: The effects of vegetation and irrigation level.", "Energy and Buildings", Volume 164, Pages 226-238, 2018. Paper.
  • Seoane, P.; Espigares, M.; Carmona, R.; Polonio, A.; Quintana, J.; Cretazzo, E.; Bota, J.; Pérez-García, A.; Alché, J de Dios.; Gómez, L.; Claros, M.G., "TransFlow: A modular framework for assembling and assessing accurate de novo transcriptomes in non-model organisms", "Bmc Genomics", Volume 19, Issue 14, Pages 416, 2018. Paper.
  • C.Douthe; H. Medrano; I. Tortosa; JM. Escalona; E. Hernández-Montes; A. Pou, "Whole-Plant Water Use in Field Grown Grapevine: Seasonal and Environmental Effects on Water and Carbon Balance", "Frontiers In Plant Science", 2018. Paper.