Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions

Publications in journals

  • Miranda C.;Santesteban LG.;Escalona JM.;de Herralde F.; Aranda J.; Nadal M.;Intrigliolo, DS.;Castel JR.;Royo JB.;Medrano H., "Allometric relationships for estimating vegetative and reproductive biomass in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)", "Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research", 2017. Paper.
  • Del-Saz, N. F., Romero-Munar, A., Cawthray, G. R., Aroca, R., Baraza, E., Flexas, J.,Hans Lambers & Ribas-Carbó, M., "Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus colonization in Nicotiana tabacum decreases the rate of both carboxylate exudation and root respiration and increases plant growth under phosphorus limitation", "Plant and Soil", Pages 1-10, 2017. Paper.
  • Romero?Munar, A.; Fernández Del?Saz, N; Ribas?Carbó, M; Flexas, J; Baraza, E; Florez?Sarasa, I; Fernie, A.R.; Gulías, J., "Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with Arundo donax decreases root respiration and increases both photosynthesis and plant biomass accumulation.", "Plant Cell and Environment", Issue 416, Pages 97, 2017. Paper.
  • Peguero-Pina, J.; Sisó, S.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; García-Nogales, A.; Niinemets, Ü.; Sancho-Knapik, D.; Saz, M.A.; Gil-Pelegrín, E., "Cell?level anatomical characteristics explain high mesophyll conductance and photosynthetic capacity in sclerophyllous Mediterranean oaks", "New Phytologist", Volume 214, Issue 2, Pages 585-596, 2017. Paper.
  • El Aou-ouad H; Pou A; Tomas M; Montero R; Ribas-Carbó M; Medrano H; Bota J, "Combined effect of virus infection and water stress on water flow and water economy in grapevines", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 160, Pages 171-184, 2017. Paper.
  • Peguero-Pina, J.; Sisó, S.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Niinemets, Ü.; Sancho-Knapik, Gil-Pelegrín, E., "Coordinated modifications in mesophyll conductance, photosynthetic potentials and leaf nitrogen contribute to explain the large variation in foliage net assimilation rates across Quercus ilex provenances", "Tree Physiology", Volume 37, Issue 8, Pages 1084-1094, 2017. Paper.
  • Galmés, J.; Molins, A.; Flexas, J.; Conesa, M.À., "Coordination between leaf CO2 diffusion and Rubisco properties allows maximizing photosynthetic efficiency in Limonium species", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 40, Issue 10, Pages 2081-2094, 2017. Paper.
  • Montero, R. ; El aou ouad, H.; Pacifico, D.; Marzachì, C.; Castillo, N.; García, E.; Del Saz, N. F.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J., "Effects of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 on the physiology in asymptomatic plants of Vitis vinifera L.", "Annals of Applied Biology", Volume 171, Pages 155-171, 2017. Paper.
  • Hallik, L.; Kazantsev, T.; Kuusk, A.; Galmés, J.; Tomàs, M.; Niinemets, Ü, "Generality of relationships between leaf pigment contents and spectral vegetation indices in Mallorca, Balearic Islands", "Regional Environmental Change", Volume 17, Issue 7, Pages 2097-2109, 2017. Paper.
  • Conesa, M.À.; Muir, C.D.; Roldán, E.J; Molins, A.; Perdomo, A.; Galmés, J., "Growth capacity in wild tomatoes and relatives correlates with original climate in arid and semi-arid species", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 141, Pages 181-190, 2017. Paper.
  • Hernández-Montes, E.;Escalona, JM.;Tomás M.; Medrano H., "Influence of water availability and grapevine phenological stage on the spatial variation in soil respiration", "Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research", Volume 23, Pages 273-279, 2017. Paper.
  • Gago, J., Fernie, A. R., Nikoloski, Z., Tohge, T., Martorell, S., Escalona, J. M.,Ribas-Carbo M; Flexas J; Medrano, H., "Integrative field scale phenotyping for investigating metabolic components of water stress within a vineyard", "Plant Methods", Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 90, 2017. Paper.
  • Muñoz Organero, G.; De Andrés M.T.; Vargas, A.; Aller, M.; Serrano, M.J.; Cretazzo, E.; Pérez, J.A.; Puertas, M.B.; Gogorcena, Y.; Giménez, R.; Andreu, L.J.; Bruna, P.; Usón, J.J.; Loureiro, M.D.; Bota, J.; Medina, C.E.; González, F.J.; Gutiérrez, M.R.; Martínez, J.; Chacón, J.L.; Mena, A.; Fernández González, M.; Rubio, J.A.; Arranz, C.; Yuste; J.; Domingo, C.; Puig, S.; Puig, A.; González, J.B.; Diaz, E.; Ribas, A.; Rego, F.; Martínez, M.C.; Santiago, J.L.; Ruiz García, L.; Martínez Cutillas, A.; Fuentes Denia, A.; Cibriain, J.F.; Sagüés, A.; Suberviola, J.; Royo, J.B.; Santesteban, L.G.; Urrestarazu, J.; Lauzirika, M.; Fernández González, M.; Aragonés, A.; Ibáñez, J.; Baroja, E.; PérezSotés, J.L.; Martínez-Zapater, J.M.; Salazar, D.; López, I.; Velázquez, B.; Chirivella, C.; García, J.; Jiménez, C.; Martínez, R. ; De la Rosa, L.; Bravo, M. ; Cabello, F., "La enorme diversidad varietal de vid en España, en proceso de descubrimiento", "ACE Revista d'enologia", 2017. Paper.
  • Gemma Marsal; Josefina Bota; Antoni Martorell; Joan Miquel Canals; Fernando Zamora; Francesca Fort, "Local cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. in Spanish islands: Balearic Archipelago", "Scientia Horticulturae", Volume 226, Pages 122-132, 2017. Paper.
  • El Aou-ouad, H.; López, R.; Venturas, M.; Martorell, S.; Medrano, H.; Gulías, J., "Low resistance to cavitation and xylem anatomy partly explain the decrease in the endemic Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris", "Flora", Volume 229, Pages 1-8, 2017. Paper.
  • Sáez PL; Bravo LA; Cavieres LA; Vallejos V; Sanhueza C; Font-Carrascosa M; Gil-Pelegrín E; Peguero-Pina JJ; Galmés J, "Photosynthetic limitations in two Antarctic vascular plants: Importance of leaf anatomical traits and Rubisco kinetics parameters", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 68, Issue 11, Pages 2871-2883, 2017. Paper.
  • Hermida-Carrera C; Fares MA; Fernández A; Gil-Pelegrín E; Kapralov MV; Mir A; Molins A; Peguero-Pina JJ; Rocha J; Sancho-Knapik D; Galmés J., "Positively selected amino acid replacements within the RuBisCO enzyme of oak trees are associated with ecological adaptations", "Plos One", Volume 12, Issue 8, Pages e0183970, 2017. Paper.
  • Baraza, E., & Valiente-Banuet, A., "Proximity to other plants determines the effect of livestock exclusion on eight species in the semiarid scrublands of Mexico", "Ecological Engineering", Volume 98, Pages 57-63, 2017. Paper.
  • Del-Saz, N. F., Romero-Munar, A., Alonso, D., Aroca, R., Baraza, E., Flexas, Ribas-Carbó, M., "Respiratory ATP cost and benefit of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with Nicotiana tabacum at different growth stages and under salinity", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 218, Pages 243-248, 2017. Paper.
  • Perdomo, J.A.; Bauçà-Capó, S.; Carmo-Silva, E. y Galmés, J., "Rubisco and rubisco activase play an important role in the biochemical limitations of photosynthesis in rice, wheat and maize under high temperature and water deficit", "Frontiers In Plant Science", Volume 8, Issue 490, Pages 1-15, 2017. Paper.
  • Fullana-Pericàs, M.; Conesa, M.À.; Soler, S.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Granell, A.; Galmés, J., "Variations of leaf morphology, photosynthetic traits and water-use efficiency in Western-Mediterranean tomato landraces", "Photosynthetica", Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 121-133, 2017. Paper.
  • Muir, C.D.; Conesa, M.À.; Roldán, E.; Molins, A.; Galmés, J., "Weak coordination between leaf structure and function among closely related tomato species", "New Phytologist", Volume 213, Issue 4, Pages 1642-1653, 2017. Paper.