Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Publications in journals
- Galmés, J.; Hermida-Carrera, C.; Laanisto, L.; Niinemets, Ü., "A compendium of temperature responses of Rubisco kinetic traits: variability among and within photosynthetic groups and impact on photosynthesis modelling", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 67, Issue 17, Pages 5067-5091, 2016. Paper.
- Montero, R.; Pérez-Bueno, M.L.; Barón, M.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A.R.; El Aou ouad, H.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J., "Alterations in primary and secondary metabolism in Vitis vinifera 'Malvasía de Banyalbufar' upon infection with Grapevine Leafroll associated Virus 3 (GLRaV-3).", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 157, Issue 4, Pages 442-452, 2016. Paper.
- Bchir, A.; Escalona, J.M.; Gallé, A.; Hernández-Montes, E.; Tortosa, I.; Braham, M.; Medrano, H., "Carbon isotope discrimination (d 13C) as an indicator of vine waterstatus and water use efficiency (WUE): Looking for the mostrepresentative sample and sampling time", "Agricultural Water Management", Issue 167, Pages 11-20, 2016. Paper.
- Bota, J.; Tomàs, M.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M., "Differences among grapevine cultivars in their stomatal behavior and water use efficiency under progressive water stress", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 164, Pages 91-99, 2016. Paper.
- Montero, R.; Mundy, D.; Albright, A.; Grose, C.; Trought, M.C.T.; Cohen, D.; Chooi, K.M.; MacDiarmid, R.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J, "Effects of Grapevine Leafroll associated Virus 3 (GLRaV-3) and duration of infection on fruit composition and wine chemical profile of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sauvignon blanc", "Food Chemistry", Volume 197, Pages 1177-1183, 2016. Paper.
- Montero, R.; El aou ouad, H.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J., "Effects of Grapevine Leafroll associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3) on plant carbon balance in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Giró Ros", "Theoretical And Experimental Plant Physiology", Volume 28, Pages 1-10, 2016. Paper.
- Merit del Rocío Mora-Ruiz; Francisca Font-Verdera; Alejandro Orfila; Joan Rita; Ramon Rosselló-Móra, "Endophytic microbial diversity of the halophyte Arthrocnemum macrostachyum across plant compartments", "Fems Microbiology Ecology", Volume 92, Issue 9, Pages 1-10, 2016. Paper.
- Jaume Flexas, "Genetic improvement of leaf photosynthesis and intrinsic water use efficiency in C3 plants. Why so much little success?", "Plant Science", Volume 251, Pages 155-161, 2016. Paper.
- J. Rita; M. Capó & J. Cursach, "Helosciadium × clandestinum un nuevo híbrido aparecido en en Menorca (Islas Baleares)", "Flora Montibérica", Volume 63, Pages 130-136, 2016. Paper.
- Montero R; Ribas-Carbó M; Del Saz NF; El Aou-ouad H; Berry JA; Flexas J; Bota J, "Improving respiration measurements with gas exchange analyzers", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 207, Pages 73-77, 2016. Paper.
- El Aou-Ouad, H; Montero, R; Medrano, H; Bota, J., "Interactive effects of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GKRav-3) and water stress on the physiology of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Malvasia de Banyalbufar and Giro-Ros", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 196, Pages 106-115, 2016. Paper.
- Dongliang, X; Flexas, J; Yu, T; Peng, S; Huang, J., "Leaf anatomy mediates coordination of leaf hydraulic conductance and mesophyll conductance to CO2 in Oryza.", "New Phytologist", Volume 64, Pages 3965-3981, 2016. Paper.
- Peguero-Pina, J.J.; Sisó, S.; Sancho-Knapik, D.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Gil-Pelegrín, E., "Leaf morphological and physiological adaptations of a deciduous oak (Quercus faginea Lam.) to the Mediterranean climate: a comparison with a closely related temperate species (Quercus robur L.)", "Tree Physiology", Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 287-299, 2016. Paper.
- Peguero-Pina, J.J.; Sancho-Knapik, D.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Niinemets, Ü.; Gil-Pelegrín, E., "Light acclimation of photosynthesis in two closely related firs (Abies pinsapo Boiss. and Abies alba Mill.): the role of leaf anatomy and mesophyll conductance to CO2", "Tree Physiology", Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 300-310, 2016. Paper.
- Flexas, J.; Diaz-Espejo, A.; Conesa, M.A.; Coopman, R.E.; Douthe, C.; Gago, J.; Galmés, J.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Tomás, M.; Niinemets, U., "Mesophyll conductance to CO2 and Rubisco as targets for improving intrinsic water use efficiency in C3 plants", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 39, Pages 965-982, 2016. Paper.
- Costa, JM; Vaz, M; Escalona, JM; Egipto, R; Lopes, C; Medrano, H; Chaves, MM., "Modern viticulture in southern Europe: Vulnerabilities and strategies for adaptation to water scarcity.", "Plant Physiology", Volume 164, Pages 5-18, 2016. Paper.
- Llorenç Sáez, Jordi Serapio, Carlos Gómez-Bellver, Nicola M. G. Ardenghi, Daniel Guillot, Joan Rita, "New records in vascular plants alien to the Balearic Islands", "Orsis", Volume 30, Pages 101-131, 2016. Paper.
- J. Rita, "Protección del patrimonio natural vs. derecho de los animales: extirpación de cabras asilvestradas en es Vedrà (Ibiza, Islas Baleares)...", "Conservación Vegetal", Volume 20, Pages 29-29, 2016. Paper.
- Gago, X; De Mendezes, D; Figueroa, CM; Flexas, J; Fernie, AR; Nikoloski, Z., "Relationships of leaf net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and mesophyll conductance to primary and intermediary plant metabolism: a multi-species meta-analysis approach", "Plant Physiology", Volume 171, Pages 265-279, 2016. Paper.
- Hermida-Carrera, C; Kapralov M.V.; Galmés, J., "Rubisco catalytic properties and temperature response in crops", "Plant Physiology", Volume 171, Pages 2549-2561, 2016. Paper.
- Del Saz, NF; Florez-Sarasa, I; Clemente-Moreno, MJ; Mhadhbi, H; Flexas, J; Fernie, AR; Ribas-Carbó, M., "Salinity tolerance is related to cyanide-resistant alternative respiration in Medcago truncatula under sudden severe stress.", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 39, Pages 2361-2369, 2016. Paper.
- Tosens, T.; Nishida, K.; Gago, J.; Coopman, R.E.; Cabrera, H.M.; Carriquí, M.; Laanisto, L.; Morales, L.; Nadal, M.; Rojas, R.; Talts, E.; Tomas, M.; Hanba, Y.; Niinemets, U.; Flexas, J., "The photosynthetic capacity in 35 ferns and fern allies: mesophyll CO2 diffusion as a key trait", "New Phytologist", Volume 209, Issue 4, Pages 1576-1590, 2016. Paper.
- PEDRO DIAZ-VIVANCOS, LYDIA FAIZE, EMILIO NICOLÁS, MARIA JOSÉ CLEMENTE-MORENO, ROQUE BRU-MARTINEZ, LORENZO BURGOS AND JOSÉ ANTONIO HERNÁNDEZ., "Transformation of plum plants with a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase transgene leads to enhanced water stress tolerance.", "Annals of Botany", 2016. Paper.
- Florez-Sarasa, I; Ribas-Carbó, M; Del -Saz, N; Schwahn, K; Nikoloski, Z; Fernie, AR; Flexas, J., "Unravelling the in vivo regulation and metabolic role of the alternative oxidase pathway in C3 species under photoinhibitory conditions.", "New Phytologist", Volume 212, Pages 66-79, 2016. Paper.
- Escalona, JM; Pou, A; Tortosa, I; Hernández-Montes, E; Tomás, M; Martorell, S; Bota, J; Medrano, H., "Using whole-plant chambers to estimate carbon and water fluxes in field-grown grapevines.", "Theoretical And Experimental Plant Physiology", Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 241-254, 2016. Paper.
- Perdomo J; Carmo-Silva E; Hermida-Carrera C; Flexas J; Galmés J, "Acclimation of biochemical and diffusive components of photosynthesis in rice, wheat and maize to heat and water deficit: implications for modeling photosynthesis", "Frontiers In Plant Science", Volume 7, Pages 1719, 2016. Paper.