Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Publications in journals
- El Aou-Ouad, I. Florez-Sarasa, M. Ribas-Carbó, J. Flexas, H. Medrano, J. Gulías, "Trade-offs between seedling growth, plant respiration and water-use efficiency in two Mediterranean shrubs Rhamnus alaternus and Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris", "Photosynthetica", Volume 53, Issue 4, Pages 537-546, 2015. Paper.
- Gago J.; Douthe C.; Coopman RE.; Gallego PP.; Ribas-Carbo M.; Flexas J.; Escalona JM.; Medrano H., "UAVs challenge to assess water stress for sustainable agriculture", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 153, Pages 9-19, 2015. Paper.
- Mateos-Naranjo, J.; Galle, A.; FLorez-Sarasa, I.; Perdomo, J.A.; Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J., "Assessment of the role of silicon in the Cu-tolerance of the C4 grass Spartina densiflora", "Journal of Plant Physiology", Volume 178, Pages 74-83, 2015. Paper.
- Martorell, S.; Diaz-Espejo, A.; Tomàs, M.; Pou, A.; El Aou-ouad, H.; Escalona, J.M.; Vadell, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H., "Differences in water-use-efficiency between two Vitis viniferacultivars (Grenache and Tempranillo) explained by the combinedresponse of stomata to hydraulic and chemical signals during water stress.", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 156, Pages 1-9, 2015. Paper.
- Carriquí, M.; Cabrera, H.M.; Conesa, M.À.; Coopman, R.E.; Douthe, C.; Gago, J.; Gallé, A.; Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Tomàs, M.; Flexas, J., "Diffusional limitations explain the lower photosynthetic capacity of ferns as compared with angiosperms in a common garden study", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 448-460, 2015. Paper.
- Perdomo, J.A.; Conesa, M.À.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Galmés, J., "Effects of long-term individual and combined water and temperature stress on the growth of rice, wheat and maize: relationship with morphological and physiological acclimation", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 155, Issue 2, Pages 149-165, 2015. Paper.
- Medrano, H.; Tomás, M.; Martorell, S.; Flexas, J.; Hernández, E.; Rosselló, J.; Pou, A.; Escalona, J.M.; Bota, J., "From leaf to whole-plant water use efficiency (WUE) in complex canopies: Limitations of leaf WUE as a selection target.", "The Crop Journal", Volume 3, Pages 220-228, 2015. Paper.
- Liang Li; Hao Wang;Jorge Gago;Haiying Cui;Zhengjiang Qian;Naomi Kodama;Hongtao Ji;Shan Tian; Dan Shen;Yanjuan Chen;Fengli Sun;Zhonglan Xia;Qing Ye;Wei Sun;Jaume Flexas;Hansong Dong, "Harpin Hpa1 Interacts with Aquaporin PIP1;4 to Promote the Substrate Transport and Photosynthesis in Arabidopsis", "Scientific Reports", 2015. Paper in press.
- Medrano, H.; Tomàs, M.; Martorell, S.; Escalona, J.M.; Pou, A.; Fuentes, S.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J., "Improving water use efficiency of vineyards in semi-arid regions. A review", "Agronomy For Sustainable Development", Volume 35, Pages 499-517, 2015. Review.
- Costa JM.; Vaz M.; Escalona J.M.; Egipto R.; Lopes C.; Medrano H.; Chaves MM., "Modern viticulture in southern Europe: vulnerabilities and strategies for adaptation to water scarcity", "Agricultural Water Management", 2015. Paper.
- Galmés, J.; Kapralov, M.V.; Copolovici, L.O.; Hermida-Carrera, C.; Niinemets, Ü., "Temperature responses of the Rubisco maximum carboxylase activity across domains of life: phylogenetic signals, trade-offs, and importance for carbon gain", "Photosynthesis Research", Volume 123, Pages 183-201, 2015. Paper.