Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Publications in journals
- Morales, L.V.; Coopman, R.E.; Rojas, R.; Escandón, A.B.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; García-Plazaola, J.I.; Gago, J.; Cabrera, H.M.; Corcuera, L.J, "Acclimation of leaf cohorts expanded under light and water stresses: an adaptive mechanism of Eucryphia cordifolia to face changes in climatic conditions?", "Trees-Structure and Function", Volume 34, Issue 12, Pages 1305-1320, 2014. Paper.
- Bota, J.; Conesa, M.À.; Ochogavía, J.M.; Medrano, H.; Francis, D.M.; Cifre, J., "Characterization of a landrace collection for Tomàtiga de Ramellet (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from the Balearic Islands", "Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution", Volume 61, Pages 1131-1146, 2014. Paper.
- Velasco, L.; Bota, J.; Montero, R.; Cretazzo, E., "Differences of three ampeloviruses multiplication in plant contribute to explain their incidences in vineyards.", "Plant Disease", Volume 98, Issue 3, Pages 395-400, 2014. Paper.
- Sade, N.; Galle, A.; Flexas, J.; Lerner, S.; Peleg, G.; Yaaran, A.; Moshelion, M., "Differential tissue-specific expression of NtAQP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals a role for this protein in stomatal and mesohpyll conductance of CO2 under standard and salt-stress conditions.", "Planta", Volume 239, Issue 2, Pages 357-366, 2014. Paper.
- Galmés, J.; Andralojc, P.J.; Kapralov M.V.; Flexas, J.; Keys, A.J.; Molins, A.; Parry, M.A.J.; Conesa, M.À., "Environmentally driven evolution of Rubisco and improved photosynthesis and growth within the C-3 genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae)", "New Phytologist", Volume 203, Issue 3, Pages 989-999, 2014. Paper.
- Galmes, J.; Kapralov, M.; Andralojc, P.J.; Conesa, M.A.; Keys, A.J.; ALfred, J.; Parry, M.A.J.; Flexas, J., "Expanding knowledge of the Rubisco kinetics variability in plant species:environmental and evolutionary trends", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 37, Issue 9, Pages 1989-2001, 2014. Paper.
- Escalona, JM, Hernández-Montes, E., Tomás, M., Medrano, H., "Factores ambientales y agronómicos que determinan la fijación de carbono en vid", "Enoviticultura", Volume 31, Pages 10-19, 2014. Paper.
- Bota, J.; Cretazzo, E.; Montero, R., Rosselló, J.; Cifre, J., "Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) elimination in a selected clone of Manto Negro cv. and its effects on photosynthesis", "Journal International Des Sciences de la Vigne Et Du Vin", Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 11-19, 2014. Paper.
- Hernández.Montes, E., Tomás, M., Medrano, H., Escalona, JM, "Importancia del componente respiratorio en el balance de carbono en vid (Vitis vinifera L.)", "Enoviticultura", Volume 31, Pages 20-27, 2014. Paper.
- Bchir, A.; Escalona, J.M.; Galle, A.; Medrano, H., "Interés de la discriminación isotópica del carbono (d13c) como indicador de la eficiencia de uso del agua en vid.", "Enoviticultura", Volume 31, Pages 28-33, 2014. Paper.
- Buckley, T.N.*; Martorell, S.*; Diaz-Espejo, A.; Tomàs, M.; Medrano, H., "Is stomatal conductance optimised over both time and space in plant crowns? A field test in grapevine (Vitis vinifera).", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 37, Pages 2707-2721, 2014. Paper.
- Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Martorell, S.; Gulías, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gago, J.; Escalona, J.M., "La eficiencia en el uso del agua en vid: vias de optimización", "Enoviticultura", Volume 31, Pages 34-39, 2014. Paper.
- Gago, J.; Martinez-Nunez, L.; Landin, M.; Flexas, J.; Gallego, P.P., "Modeling the Effects of Light and Sucrose on In Vitro Propagated Plants: A Muliscale System Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Technology", "Plos One", Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014. Paper.
- Cursach, J.; Rita, J., "Naufraga balearica, a threatened narrow endemism of the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean basin): assessing the population dynamics of two subpopulations", "Plant Species Biology", Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 192-201, 2014. Paper.
- Fuentes, S.; De Bei, R.; Collins, M.J.; Escalona, J.M.; Medrano, H.; Tyerman, S., "Night-time responses to water supply in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)under deficit irrigation and partial root-zone drying", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 138, Pages 1-9, 2014. Paper.
- Gago, J.; Douthe, C.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Escalona, J.M.; Galmés, J.; Fernie, A.F.; Flexas, J; Medrano, H., "Opportunities for improving leaf water use efficiency under climate change conditions", "Plant Science", Volume 226, Pages 108-119, 2014. Paper.
- Flexas, J.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Gago, J.; Gallé, A.; Galmés, J.; Gulías, J.; Medrano, H., "Photosynthetic limitations in Mediterranean plants: A review", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 103, Pages 12-23, 2014. Paper.
- Martorell, S.; Medrano, H.; Tomàs, M.: Escalona, J.M.; Flexas, J.; Diaz-Espejo, A., "Plasticity of vulnerability to leaf hydraulic dysfunction during acclimation to drought in grapevines: an osmotic mediated process", "Physiologia Plantarum", 2014. Paper.
- Martorell, S.; Diaz-Espejo, A.; Medrano, H.; Ball, M.C.; Choat, B., "Rapid hydraulic recovery in Eucalyptus pauciflora after drought: linkages between stem hydraulics and leaf gas exchange", "Plant Cell and Environment", Issue 37, Pages 617-626, 2014. Paper.
- Galmés, J.; Conesa, M.À.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Mir, A.; Perdomo, J.A.; Niinemets, Ü.; Flexas, J., "Rubisco catalytic properties optimized for present and future climatic conditions", "Plant Science", Volume 226, Pages 61-70, 2014. Paper.
- El Aou-ouad, H.; Medrano, H.; Lamarti, A.; Gulias, J., "Seed germination at different temperatures and seedling emergence from different depths of Rhamnus alaternus and Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris", "Central European Journal Of Biology", Volume 9, Issue 5, Pages 569-578, 2014. Paper.
- Flexas, J.; Carriquí, M.; Coopman, R.E.; Gago, J.; Galmés, J.; Martorell, S.; Morales, F.; Díaz-Espejo, A., "Stomatal and mesophyll conductances to CO2 in different plant groups: Underrated factors for predicting leaf photosynthesis responses to climate change?", "Plant Science", Volume 226, Pages 41-48, 2014. Paper.
- Rivera, L.; Baraza, E.; Alcover, J.A.; Bover, P.; Rovira, C.M.; Bartolomé, J., "Stomatal density and stomatal index of fossil Buxus from coprolites of extinct Myotragus balearicus Bate (Artiodactyla, Caprinae) as evidence of increased CO2 concentration during the late Holocene", "Holocene", Volume 24, Issue 7, Pages 876-880, 2014. Paper.
- Wallstrom, S.V.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Araujo, W.L.; Escobar, M.A.; Geisler, D.A.; Aidemark, M.; Lager, I.; Fernie, A.R.; Ribas-Carbo, M.; Rasmusson, A.G., "Suppression of NDA-Type Alternative Mitochondrial NAD(P)H Dehydrogenases in Arabidopsis thaliana Modifies Growth and Metabolism, but not High Light Stimulation of Mitochondrial Electron Transport", "Plant and Cell Physiology", Volume 55, Issue 5, Pages 881-896, 2014. Paper.
- Wallstrom, S.V.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Araujo, W.L.; Aidemark, M.; Fernandez-Fernandez, M.; Fernie, A.R.; Ribas-Carbo, M.; Rasmusson, A.G., "Suppression of the External Mitochondrial NADPH Dehydrogenase, NDB1, in Arabidopsis thaliana Affects Central Metabolism and Vegetative Growth", "Molecular Plant", Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 356-368, 2014. Paper.
- Florez-Sarasa, I.; Lambers, H.; Wang, X.; Finnegan, P.M.; Ribas-Carbo, M., "The alternative respiratory pathway mediates carboxylate synthesis in white lupin cluster roots under phosphorus deprivation", "Plant Cell and Environment", Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 922-928, 2014. Paper.
- Conesa, M.À.; Galmés, J.; Ochogavía, J.M.; March, J.; Jaume, J.; Martorell, A.; Francis, D.M.; Medrano, H.; Rose, J.K.C.; Cifre, J., "The postharvest tomato fruit quality of long shelf-life Mediterranean landraces is substantially influenced by irrigation regimes", "Postharvest Biology and Technology", Volume 93, Pages 114-121, 2014. Paper.
- Pou, A., Diago, M.P., Medrano, H., Baluja, J., Tardáguila, J., "Validation of thermal indices for water status identification in grapevines", "Agricultural Water Management", Volume 134, Issue 2, Pages 60-72, 2014. Paper.
- Tomás, M.; Bota, J.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M., "Variabilidad genética en la eficiencia en el uso del agua", "Enoviticultura", Volume 31, Pages 40-47, 2014. Paper.
- Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.; Brugnoli, E.; Escalona, J.M.; Martorell, S.; Pou, A.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J., "Variability of mesophyll conductance in grapevines cultivars under water stress conditions in relation to leaf anatomy and water use efficiency", "Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research", Volume 20, Pages 272-280, 2014. Paper.
- Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.; Martrell, S.; Pou, A.; Ribas-Caró, M.; Flexas, J., "Variability of water use efficiency in grapevines", "Environmental and Experimental Botany", Volume 103, Pages 148-157, 2014. Paper.