Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Publications in journals
- Cretazzo, E.; Meneghetti, S.; De Andrés, M.T.; Gaforio, L.; Frare, E.; Cifre, J., "Clone differentiation and varietal identification by means of SSR, AFLP, SAMPL and M-AFLP in order to assess the clonal selection of grapevines. The case study of Manto Negro, Callet and Moll, autochthonous cultivars of Mallorca", "Annals of Applied Biology", Volume 157, Pages 213-227, 2010. Paper.
- Cretazzo, E.; Padilla, C.; Carámbula, C.; Hita, I.; Salmerón, E.; Cifre, J., "Comparison of the effects of different virus infections on performance of three Majorcan grapevine cultivars in field conditions", "Annals of Applied Biology", Volume 156, Pages 1-12, 2010. Paper.
- Galmés, J.; Conesa, M.A.; Cifre, J.; Gulías, J.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J., "Ecofisiología de las plantas endémicas de las Islas Baleares en el contexto Mediterráneo", "Ecosistemas", Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 10-23, 2010. Paper.
- Florez-Sarasa, I.; Gallé, A.; Thameur, A.; de Paepe, R.; Flexas, J.; Ribas Carbó, M., "Effects of drought stress and subsequent rewatering on photosynthetic and respiratory pathways in Nicotiana sylvestris wild type and the mitochondrial complex I-deficient CMSII mutant", "Journal of Experimental Botany", Volume 61, Issue 3, Pages 765-775, 2010. Paper.
- Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Gallé, A.; Gulías, J.; Pou, A.; Ribas-Carbo, M.; Tomàs, M.; Medrano, H., "Improving water-use-efficiency in grapevines: potential physiological targets for biotechnological improvement", "Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research", Volume 16, Issue special issue, Pages 106-121, 2010. Review.
- Cretazzo, E.; Tomás, M.; Padilla, C.; Rosselló, J.; Medrano, H.; Padilla, V.; Cifre, J., "Incidence of virus infection in old vineyards of local grapevine varieties from Mallorca: implications for clonal selection strategies", "Spanish Journal Of Agricultural Research", Volume 8, Pages 409-418, 2010. Paper.
- Galle, A.; Esper, J.; Feller, U.; Ribas-Carbo, M.; Fonti, P., "Responses of wood anatomy and carbon isotope composition of Quercus pubescens saplings subjected to two consecutive years of summer drought", "Annals of Forest Science", Volume 67, Issue 8, Pages 809-814, 2010. Paper.
- Sagardoy, R.; Vazquez, S.; Florez-Sarasa, I.D.; Albacete, A.; Ribas-Carbo, M.; Flexas, J.; Abadia, J.; Morales, F., "Stomatal and mesophyll conductances to CO2 are the main limitations to photosynthesis in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) plants grown with excess zinc", "New Phytologist", Volume 187, Pages 145-158, 2010. Paper.
- Lovisolo, C.; Perrone, I.; Carra, A.; Ferrandino, A.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.; Schubert, A., "Drought-induced changes in development and function of grapevine (Vitis spp.) organs and in their hydraulic and non-hydraulic interactions at the whole-plant level: a physiological and molecular update.
", "Functional Plant Biology", Volume 37, Pages 98-116, 2010. Paper. - Medrano, H.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Martorell, S.; Escalona, J.M.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gulías, J., "Water use efficiency improvement in grapevines under Mediterranean conditions.", "Aspects of Applied Biology", Volume 105, Pages 47-55, 2010. Paper.
- Conesa, M.A.; Mus, M. and Rosselló, J.A., "Who treatens who? Natural hybridization between Lotus dorycnium and the island endemis Lotus fulgurans (Fabaceae).", "Biological Journal of the Linnean Society", Volume 101, Pages 1-12, 2010. Paper.