Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions

Publications in journals

  • Xu, X., Cifre, J., Medrano, H, "Abscisic acid added to the nutrient solution induces a water deficit like response in Trifolium subterraneum", "Annals of Applied Biology", Volume 140, Pages 297-304, 2002. Paper.
  • Bota, J.; Flexas, J.; Keys, A. J.; Loveland, J.; Parry, M. A. J.; Medrano, H., "CO2/O2 specificity factor of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.): first in vitro determination and comparison to in vivo estimations.", "Vitis", Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 163-168, 2002. Paper.
  • Escalona JM. ; Flexas J.; Medrano H., "Drought Effects on water flow, photosynthesis and growth of potted grapevines", "Vitis", Volume 41, Issue 8, Pages 57-62, 2002. Paper.
  • Flexas, J. & Medrano, H., "Drought-inhibition of photosynthesis in C3 plants: stomatal and non-stomatal limitations revisited.", "Annals of Botany", Issue 89, Pages 183-189, 2002. Paper.
  • Medrano, H.; Bota, J.; Abadía, A.; Sampol, B.; Escalona, J.M.; Flexas, J., "Effects of drought on light-energy dissipation mechanisms in high-light-acclimated, field-grown grapevines.", "Functional Plant Biology", Volume 29, Pages 1197-1207, 2002. Paper.
  • Flexas J.; Bota J. ; Escalona J.M.; Sampol B. ; Medrano H., "Effects of drought on photosynthesis in field-grown grapevines: an evaluation of stomatal an mesophyll limitations", "Functional Plant Biology", Volume 29, Pages 461-471, 2002. Paper.
  • Flexas, J. & Medrano, H., "Energy dissipation in C3 plants under drought", "Australian Journal of Plant Physiology", Issue 29, Pages 1209-1215, 2002. Paper.
  • J. Gulías, J. Flexas, A. Abadia, H. Medrano, "Photosynthetic responses to water deficit in six Mediterranean sclerophyll species: possible factor explaining the declining distribution of an endemic Balearic species (Rhammus ludovici-salvatoris) ", "Tree Physiology", Volume 22, Issue 10, Pages 687-698, 2002. Paper.
  • Bota, J.; Medrano, H., "Recuperació de varietats autòctones minoritàries", "El Mirall. Obra Cultural Balear", Volume 128, Pages 12-14, 2002. Paper.
  • Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.; Bota, J.; Gulías, J.; Flexas, J., "Regulation of photosynthesis of C3 plants in response to progressive drought: stomatal conductance as a reference parameter.", "Annals of Botany", Volume 89, Issue special issue, Pages 895-905, 2002. Paper.
  • Flexas J.; Escalona JM. ; Evain SL.; Gulias J. ; Moya I.; Osmond B.;Medrano H., "Steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence (Fs) measurements as a tool to follow variations of net CC assimilation and stomatal conductance during water-stress in C3 plants'", "Physiologia Plantarum", Volume 114, Issue 2, Pages 231-240, 2002. Paper.