Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Meetings participation
- Hipólito Medrano. . "IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology.", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Participation in scientific committee.
- Amani BCHIR, José Mariano Escalona, Alexander Gallé, Hipolito Medrano Gil. , "δ13C as indicator of grapevine water use efficiency: dependences with phenology and soil water availability.". "XIII Congtresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal, Lisbon, Portugal 2013.", Lisbon, Portugal, 2013. Poster.
- Montero, R.; El aououad, H.; Pacifico, D.; Marzachi, C.; Castillo, N.; García, E.; Bota, J.. , "Absolute quantification of grapevine leafroll associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3). Effects on the physiology in Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Malvasia).". "XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal.", Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. Poster.
- Flexas, J.; Cabrera, H.M.; Carriquí, M.; Conesa, M.A.; Coopman, R.E.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Galmés, J.; Gago, J.; Hanba, Y.T.; Hassiotou, F.; Medrano, H.; Niinemets, U.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Talts, E.; Terashima, I.; Tomàs, M.; Tosens, T.. , "Anatomical evidence for mesophyll conductance limitation to photosynthesis". "16th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research", St Louis, United States, 2013. Invited conference.
- Flexas, J.; Gago, J.; Escalona, J.M.; Pou, A.; Medrano, H.. , "Automatable tools for regulating irrigation in grapevines.". "Automated methods for continuous measurements in agriculture and forestry", Sede Boquer, Israel, 2013. Invited conference.
- L. RIVERA SANCHEZ, E. BARAZA RUIZ, A. CAPÓ RODRÍGUEZ, J. CASSINELLO W. BURGOS-PAZ y J. BARTOLOMÉ FILELLA. , "COMPARACIÓN DEL RAMONEO ENTRE LA CABRA SALVAJE MALLORQUINA (Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777) Y LA CABRA DOMÉSTICA ASILVESTRADA (Capra hircus L. 1758) EN MALLORCA". "52ª Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos", Badajoz, Spain, 2013. Publication data: Los Pastos: Nuevos Retos, Nuevas Oportunidades. Paper presentation.
- Franck, N.; Meza, F.J.; Arancibia1, D.; Escalona, J.M.; García de Cortázar, V.. , "Does shoot autonomy apply to the response of carbon assimilation to variations in source:sink relationships in grapevines?". "Ninth Internationl Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Speech.
- Baraza, E.; Valiente-Banuet, A.. , "Dos estrategias, pero el mismo resultado; efectos de la exclusión de ganado en Lippia graveolens y Aeschynomene compacta". "IV CONGRESO DE BIODIVERSIDAD", Spain, 2013. Publication data: Actas. Poster.
- Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Tomas, M.; Martorell, S.; Pou, A.; Escalona, J.M.. , "Ecofisiología del Tempranillo". "Jornadas sobre el Tempranillo", Madrid, Spain, 2013. Invited conference.
- El aououad, H.; Montero, R.; Medrano, H.; Bota, J.. , "Effects of leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3) on the photosynthesis of grapevine cv. Malvasia de Banyalbufar under different drought intensities.". "XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal.", Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. Poster.
- Bota, J.; Cifre, J.; Cretazzo, E.; Padilla, V.. , "Eliminación de los virus del jaspeado y enrollado-3 en la variedad autóctona mallorquina Manto Negro y efectos sobre su fisiología.". "28ª Reunión anual del grupo de trabajo de experimentación en viticultura y enología.", Murcia, Spain, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Frontera, J.; Segui, B.; Gulías, J.; Cifre, J.. , "Ensayo de cultivos herbáceos con fines cinegéneticos en la marina de Llucmajor (Mallorca)". "52ª Reunión Científica de la SEEP, Los pastos:nuevos retos, nuevas oportunidades.", Badajoz, Spain, 2013. Publication data: Los pastos: nuevos retos, nuevas oportunidades.. Paper presentation.
- Hermida-Carrera, C.; Molins, A.; Kapralov, M.V.; Gil-Pelegrín, E.; Galmés, J.; Fares, M.A.. , "Evolution of Rubisco in Quercus: Environmental Influence and Phylogenetic Background". "'Oak forests coping with global change: ecology and management" Workshop, Baeza, Spain September 30th - October 2nd, 2013", Baeza, Spain, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.; Flexas, J.; Martorell, S.; Tomás, M.. , "From Leaf to Plant Water Use Efficiency: Solving the gaps for a whole plant evaluation". "Ninth Internationl Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Invited conference.
- Escalona, J.M.; Tomás, M.; Bota, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Franck, N.; Medrano, H.. , "Genotype variation on water use efficiency in response to soil water depletion". "Ninth Internationl Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Poster.
- Romero, A.; Baraza, E.; Cifre, J.; Achir, C.; Gulías, J.. , "Giant reed increases plant water use efficiency under water-limited conditions.". "XIII Congreso Luso Español de Fisiologia Vegetal", Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Gago, J.; Martorell, S.; Tomás, M.; Pou, A.; Millán, B.; Ramón, J.; Ruiz, M.; Sánchez, R.; Galmés, J.; Conesa, M.A.; Cuxart, J.; Tardáguila, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.. , "High resolution aerial thermal imagery for plant water status assessment in vineyards using a multicopter-RPAS". "VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas. Sociedades Españolas de Agroingeniería y de Ciencias Hortícolas, y las Sociedades Portuguesas de Horticultura y la Sección Especializada de Ingeniería Rural de la Sociedad de Ciencias Agrarias de Portugal.", Madrid, Spain, 2013. Poster.
- Intrigliolo, D.S.; Abd El Mageed, T.A.; Abdelfatah, M.A.; Medrano, H.; Lakso, A.N.. , "Improving vine performance by modifying daily light interception patterns in vertically shoot positioned grapevines". "IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Poster.
- Cabrera, H.M.; Coopman, R.; Gago, J.; Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.. , "Mesophyll conductance and photosynthesis in ferns". "VII Summer Colloquium on Plant Ecophysiology. Universidad de Concepción", Puerto Montt, Chile, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.; Martorell, S.; Pou, A.; Flexas, J.. , "Mesophyll conductance in grapevine cultivars in relation to leaf anatomy and water stress.". "IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Gago, J.; Martorell, S.; Tomás, M.; Millán, B.; Ramón, J.; Ruiz, M.; Sánchez, R.; Galmés, J.; Conesa, M.A.; Escalona, J.M.; Cuxart, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.. , "Multi-copter RPAS for water stress detection in grapeyards.". "First conference of the International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely-piloted Aircraft. ISARRA", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2013. Poster.
- Joseph A Berry, Christian Frankenberg, Paul Wennberg, Ian Baker, Kevin W Bowman, Saulo Castro-Contreas, Maria Pilar Cendrero-Mateo, Alexander Damm, Darren Drewry, Bethany Ehlmann, Joshua B. Fisher, Jauma Flexas, John Gamon, Bernard Genty, Luis Guanter, Thomas Hilker, Joanna Joiner, Martin Jung, Le Kuai, Jung-Eun Lee, Junjie Liu, Anna M Michalak, Charles Miller, Christopher O'Dell, Nicholas Parazoo, Albert Porcar-Castell, Christopher R Schwalm, Christiaan van der Tol, Debra Wunch. , "New Methods for Measurement of Photosynthesis from Space: A report on a workshop on ?uorescence sponsored by the Keck Institute for Space Studies". "2013 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting", La Jolla, California, United States, 2013. Poster.
- Flexas, J.; Carriqui, M.; Gago, J.; Tomas, M.. , "¿Que tendrá que ver la pared celular con la fotosíntesis?". "III Coloquio de primavera sobre Ecofisiologia Forestal", La Farga del Monseny, Spain, 2013. Invited conference.
- Vandeleur, R.; Pou, A.; Ramesh, S.; Kaiser, B.; Gilliham, M.; Sullivan, W.; Athman, A.; Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Tyerman, S.. , "Regulation of hydraulic conductivity by aquaporins in roots and leaves". "IX International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", La Serena, Chile, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Perdomo, J.A.; Cavanagh, A.P.; Kubien, D.; Glamés, J.. , "TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF PRINCIPAL Rubisco KINETIC PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT SPECIES OF Flaveria". "XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal", Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. Poster.
- Ribas-Carbó, M.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Flexas, J.. , "There is light in the regulation of leaf dark respiration". "8th International Congress for Plant Mitochondrial Biology", Rosario, Argentina, 2013. Invited conference.
- Muir, C.D.; Davis, P.A.; Conesa, M.À.; Roldán, E.J.; Galmés, J.; Moyle, L.C.. , "Through thick and thin: the adaptive significance of leaf trait variation in wild tomatoes". "Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology (SICB)", San Francisco, CA, United States, 2013. Publication data: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY Volume: 53 Supplement: 1 Pages: E339-E339. Paper presentation.
- Montero, R.; El aououad, H.; Pacifico, D.; Marzachi, C.; Flexas, J.; Bota, J.. , "Validation and selection of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR of GLRaV-3 in Vitis vinifera L. (Malvasía cv.) for different seasons and tissues samples.". "International advances in plant virology", Norwich, United Kingdom, 2013. Paper presentation.
- Micheli, M., Gulías, J., Perez, R.P., Gardi , T.. , "Valutazione di fitostabilità delle alberature stradali di Via Roma (Perugia)". "X Giornate Scientifiche SOI", Padova, Italy, 2013. Paper presentation.