Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions

Meetings participation

  • Flexas, J.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Galmés, J.; Escalona, J.M.; Tomàs, M.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Responses of plant respiration to drought.". "24th New Phytologist Symposium. Plant respiration and climate change:scaling from mitochondria to the globe.", Oxford, England, 2010. Invited conference.
  • Flórez-Sarasa, I.; Gallé, A.; Flexas, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Responses of the cytochrome and alternative pathways to droyght and subsequent rewatering in NIcotiana sylvestris.". "24th New Phytologist Symposium. Plant respiration and climate change: scaling from mitochondria to the globe.", Oxford, England, 2010. Poster.
  • Martorell1, S.; Escalona, J.M.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.; Diaz-Espejo, A.. , "Use of physiological based stomatal conductance models in agronomical studies: The case of garpevine.". "28th International Horticultural Congress", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Poster.
  • Escalona, J.M.; Fuentes, S.; Gallegos, J.M.; Medrano, H.. , "Water stress effects on night-time transpiration in Vitis vinifera L". "X Simposium Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hídricas en las plantas", Cartagena, Spain, 2010. Paper presentation.
  • Elaououad, H.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Medrano, H.; Lamarti, A.; Gulías, J.. , "Water use efficiency and relative growth rate in two Mediterranean shrubs: Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris and Rhamnus alaternus". "Water & Nitrogen use efficiency in plants and crops.", Marston, Lincolnshire, England, 2010. Poster.
  • Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Martorell, S.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.. , "Water Use Efficiency during Drought and Recovery in Grapevines: Differential behaviour of three Cultivars". "28th International Horticultural Congress (IHC)", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Paper presentation.
  • Medrano H.; Pou A.; Tomás M.; Martorell S.; Escalona JM.; Flexas J.; Galmés J.; Ribas-Carbó M.; and Gulías J.. , "Water Use Efficiency improvement in grapevines under Mediterranean conditions". "28th International Horticultural Congress (IHC)", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Invited conference.
  • Escalona, J.M.; Diego, M.A.; Medrano, H.. , "Aplicación de sistemas de monitorización del agua disponible en el suelo y de los consumos hídricos de la planta en el diseño de estrategias de riego en vid". "X Simposium Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hídricas en las plantas", Cartagena, Spain, 2010. Publication data: Acta Horticulturae (número especial). Poster.
  • Gulías, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Moreno, M.T.; Conesa, M.A.; Cifre, J.. , "Carbon isotope composition (d13C) in Dactylis glomerata and its relationship with water use efficiency at plant and leaf level.". "23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation: Grassland in a Changing World", Kiel, Germany, 2010. Publication data: Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation: Grassland in a Changing World. Grassland Science in Europe Vol. 15, pp. 797-799. Kiel, Germany. August 29th-September 2nd 2010. European Grassland Federation (EGF), Zürich, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-86944-021-7.. Poster.
  • Gallé, A.; Flexas, J.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbo, M.. , "Drought adaptation mechanisms: the beneficial interaction of photosynthesis and respiration in Nicotiana sylvestris". "FESPB 2010. XVIII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology.", Valencia, Spain, 2010. Poster.
  • Ochogavia, J.M.; Conesa, M.A.; Cifre, J.; Francis, D.; Rigo, M.; Garau, M. M.; Perdomo, J.A.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Savé, R.; Medrano, H.; Galmés, J.. , "Drought Response Traits in 'Tomàtiga de Ramellet' Tomato Cultivars from the Balearic Islands". "28th International Horticultural Congress", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Publication data: Libro resúmenes. Poster.
  • Bota, J.; Tomàs, M.; Luna, J.M., Martorell, A.; Gallegos, J.M.; Medrano, H. y Escalona, J.M.. , "El papel de las variedades minoritarias en una situación de cambio climático: variabilidad genética en la eficiencia en el uso del agua". "XXIV Reunión anual del grupo de trabajo de experimentación en viticultura y enología", Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 2010. Publication data: Libro de actas. Paper presentation.
  • Conesa, M.A.; Bota, J.M.; Robbins, M.; Sim, S.; Caramante, M.; Rao, R.; Ochogavía, J.M.; Cifre, J.; Galmés, J.; Medrano, H.; Francis, D.. , "Genetic characterization of "Tomàtiga de Ramellet" tomato cultivars from the Balearic Islands". "28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa 2010. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). 22-27 August 2010. Lisbon, Portugal.", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Poster.
  • Escalona, J.M.; Tomás, M.; Bota, J.; Medrano, H.. , "Genetic variation of plant water status, water use efficiency and grape yield and quality in response to soil water availability in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)". "28th International Horticultural Congress (IHC).", Oporto, Portugal, 2010. Publication data: Acta Horticulturae (número especial). Poster.
  • Medrano, H.; Pou, A.; Tomas, M.; Martorell, S.; Escalona, J.M.; Gulías, J.; Flexas, J.. , "Improving water use efficiency: Joint Venture for Ecophysiology and Bitechnology.". "28th International Horticultural Congress", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Invited conference.
  • Florez-Sarasa, I.; Flexas, J.; Umbach, A.L.; Siedow J.N.; Gallé, A.; Ribas-Carbo, M.. , "In vivo cytochrome and alternative pathway respiration in Arabidopsis thaliana plants with altered alternative pathway capacity under low and high light conditions". "FESPB 2010. XVIII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology.", Valencia, Spain, 2010. Paper presentation.
  • Medrano, H.; Pou, A.; Tomàs, M.; Martorell, S.; Escalona, J.M.;.Gulias, J.; and Flexas, J.. , "Mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del agua, un reto para la Ecofisiología y la Biotecnología". "X Simposium Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hídricas en las plantas", Cartagena, Spain, 2010. Paper presentation.
  • Ribar-Carbó, M.; Berry, J.A.; Flexas, J.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Giles, L.; Lambers, H.; Robinson, S.A.. , "Partitioning of electrons between the cytochrome and alternative pathways.". "24th New Phytologist Symposium. Plant respiration and climate change: scaling from mitochondria to the globe.", Oxford, England, 2010. Invited conference.
  • Flexas, J.; Florez-Sarasa, I.; Gallé, A.; Medrano, H.; Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Photosynthetic limitations in respiratory mutant plants.". "FESPB 2010. XVIII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology.", Valencia, Spain, 2010. Invited conference.
  • Díaz Espejo, A., Torres-Ruiz, J.M., Perez-Martin, A., Fernandez, J.E., Flexas, J., Michelazzo, C., Sebastiani, L.. , "Recovery of Photosynthesis after re-watering in olive: water relations, leaf gas exchange and genetic expression of aquaporins and carbonic anhydrase.". "28th International Horticultural Congress", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Paper presentation.
  • Tomás, M.; Pou, A.; Flexas, J.; Martorell, S. and Medrano, H.. , "Relationships among water use efficiency at leaf (AN/E, AN/gs; δC13) and whole plant level.". "28th International Horticultural Congress (IHC)", Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Poster.