Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Meetings participation
- Ribas-Carbo M. . "ESF Exploratory Workshop on Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications", Cala Bona, Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Participation in organising committee.
- Jaume Flexas. . "'EW07-44 Mesophyll conductance to CO2: Mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications'", Sa Coma. Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Chair of organising committee.
- Joan Rita Larrucea. . "Jornades sobre els 15 anys de la Reserva de Biosfera de Menorca- 16-18 Octubre", Maó, Spain, 2008. Chair of session.
- Florez, I.; Flexas, J.; Umbach, A.L.; Siedow, J.N.; Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Alternative oxidase (AOX) pathways in arabidopsis thaliana leaves with altered levels of AOX protein under well-watered and water stress conditions.". "First International AOX Symposium", Evora, Portugal, 2008. Poster.
- Escalona, J.; Carámbula, C.; Luna, J.M.. , "Anthocyanin profile of local grapevine cultivars from Balearic Islands". "Second Internacional Symposium on Macromolecules and Secundary Metabolites of Grapevine and Wines Macrowine 2008", Montpellier, France, 2008. Publication data: Llibre d'actes. Poster.
- Ribas-Carbó, M.; Pons, P.J.; Cabot, G.; Cifre, J.; Flexas, J.; Galmés, J.; Gulías, J.; Truyols, M.; Medrano, H.. , "Aproximación al estudio de la eficiencia en el uso del agua en plantas. Aspectos metodológicos y de cambio de escala espacial y temporal.". "IX Simposium Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Plantas", Lloret de Mar, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Cifre, J., Ochogavía, J.M., Conesa, M.A., Galmés, J., López, M., Rigo, M., Garau, M.M.. , "Caracterització genètica de les poblacions de tomàtiga de ramellet de les Illes Balears.". "Jornada Técnica sobre la tomàtiga de ramellet. Centre Bit", Inca- Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Paper presentation.
- Molins, A.; Rosselló, J.A. i Conesa, M.A.. , "Caracterització i adequació per a la consulta de l'herbari personal de Llorenç Garcias i Font, dipositat a la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears.". "V Jornades del Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Resums de les V Jornades del Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Poster.
- Moreno, M.; Gulías, J.; Lazaridou, M.; Medrano, H.; Cifre, J.. , "Ecophysiological strategies to overcome water deficit in herbaceous species under Mediterranean conditions". "12th Meeting or the FAO-CIHEAM Sub Network on Mediterranean Pastures and Fooder Crops. "Sustainable Mediterranean Grasslands and their Multi-Functions"", Elvas, Portugal, 2008. Publication data: Actas Congreso. Invited conference.
- Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M., Cifre, J., Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.. , "Ecophysiological traits in response to drought in Mediterranean species with different forms". "IX Simposium Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Plantas", Lloret de Mar, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Pou, A.; Ibáñez, S.; Gulías, J.; García-Escudero, G.; Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.. , "Efectos de la edad del viñedo sobre el estado hídrico y fisiológico y la calidad de la uva en Manto Negro y Tempranillo". "IX Simposium Hispano-Portugués de relaciones hídricas en plantas", Lloret de mar, Spain, 2008. Poster.
- JM Escalona: H. Medrano. , "Efectos del cambio climático en la fisiologia de la vid y en la calidad de los vinos". "Jornadas de Viticultura y Enlogía de Tierra de Barros", Almendralejo, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Libro. Invited conference.
- Pérez-Martín, A.; Flexas, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Bota, J.; Tomás, M.; Infante, J.M.; Díaz-Espejo, A.. , "Effect of air vapour pressure deficit on mesophyll conductance". "European Science Foundation. EW07-44.Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modelling and ecological implications. 27-30 septiembre 2008", Sa Coma. Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Paper presentation.
- Medrano, H.; Gulías, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Galmés, J.; Flexas, J.. , "How water stress affects water flow, photosynthesis and growth in mediterranean trees". "Water and Forest: a convenient truth?", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Pou, A.; Cifre, J.; Bota, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gulías, J.. , "Improving water use efficiency in grapevines". "Cost Action 858 workshop. Ecophysiological and agronomical tools to improve grape and wine quality", Oporto, Portugal, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Invited conference.
- Flexas, J.; Bota, J.; Cifre, J.; Gallé, A.; Galmés, J.; Gulías, J.; Pou, A.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.. , "Improving water-use-efficiency in grapevines: physiological and molecular approaches". "Eight International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology.", Adelaide, Australia, 2008. Invited conference.
- Flexas, J.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Rubas-Carbó, M.; Rosselló, F.; Medrano, H.. , "Involvement of mesophyll conductance to CO2 in leaf-level water-use-efficiency.". "EW07-44 Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications", Sa Coma, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Ribas-Carbo M, Flexas J. , "ISOTOPIC METHODS FOR gm MEASUREMENTS". "ESF Exploratory Workshop on Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications", Cala Bona, Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.. , "Isotopic methods for gm measurements.". "EW07-44 Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications", Sa Coma, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Galmés, J.; Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.. , "La diversitat florística de les Balears: una possible clau per a la millora genètica de la productivitat vegetal". "V Jornades del Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears", Palma, Spain, 2008. Paper presentation.
- Medrano, H.; Galmés, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gulías, J.; Bota, J.; Pou, A.; Moreno, M.; Cifre, J.; Flexas, J.. , "Mejora de la eficiencia en el uso del agua en la vid: Bases fisiológicas y perspectivas biotecnológicas.". "XI Congreso Sociedad Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas", Albacete, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Libro resúmenes. Invited conference.
- Galmés, J.; Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.. , "Mesophyll CO2 limitations on carbon assimilation in natural vegetation during drought stress and recovery". "EW07-44 Mesophyll conductance to CO2: mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications", Sa Coma, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
- Bota, J., Cifre, J., Rosselló, J., Medrano, H., Robbins, M., Sim, S-C., Francis, D.. , "Morphological and DNA Sequence Variation in Local Varieties of Tomato from de Balearic Archipelago.". "Plant and Animal Genome XVI Conference", San Diego, California, United States, 2008. Poster.
- Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Pou, A.; Cifre, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gulías, J.. , "Optimización del uso del agua en la vid: vías de mejora de la eficiencia en el uso del agua.". "IX Simposium Hispano Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Plantas", Lloret de Mar, Girona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Optimización del uso del agua en la vid: vías de mejora de la eficiencia en el uso del agua.. Paper presentation.
- Medrano, H.; Flexas, J.; Pou, A.; Cifre, J.; Bota, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Gulías, J.. , "Optimizing grapevine water use: limits for water use efficiency improvement". "Eight International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology.", Adelaide, Australia, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Poster.
- Gallé, A.; Flórez-Sarasa, I.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Bota, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.. , "Photosynthesis limitation in response to drought stress: some insights on acclimation and recovery". "ESF Exploratory Workshop 'Mesophyll conductance to CO2:mechanisms, modeling and ecological implications' Sa Coma (Mallorca), Spain, 27/09/08 - 01/10/08", Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Paper presentation.
- Pou, A.; Ibañez, S.; Gulías, J.; García Escudero, E.; Medrano, H.. , "Plant age effects on water relations, photosynthetical parameters, crop load and quality parameters in Manto Negro and Tempranillo grapevine varieties". "Ecophysiological and agronomical tools to improve grape and wine quality. Cost Action 858", Oporto, Portugal, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Poster.
- Gallé A.; Flórez-Sarasa I.; Pou A.; Tomás M.; Bota J.; Ribas-Carbó M.; Flexas J.. , "Qué factores limitan la recuperación fotosintética tras la sequía? Algunos indicios experimentales en campo y cámara de cultivo". "IX Symposium Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Plantas, 15/09/08 - 17/09/08", Lloret de Mar (Girona), Spain, 2008. Publication data: Libro IX Symposium Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Plantas. Poster.
- Flexas, J.; Díaz-Espejo, A.; Flórez-Sarasa, I.; Gallé, A.; Galmés, J.; Medrano, H.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M., Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Rapid changes of mesophyll conductance in response to environmental variables.". "Gordon Research Conference CO2 Assimilation in plants: Genome to Biome.", Biddeford, Maine, United States, 2008. Paper presentation.
- Carámbula, C.; Medrano, H.; Escalona, J.M.. , "Recovery of a singular malmsey:Malvasia de Banyalbufar". "Second International Congress of Mountain and steep slope viticulture", Galicia, Spain, 2008. Poster.
- Pons, P.J.; Truyols, M.; Flexas, J.; Cifre, J.; Medrano, H., Ribas-Carbó, M.. , "Sap flow technique as a tool for irrigation schedule in grapevines: Control of the plant physiological status". "Drought management: Scientific and technological innovations", Zaragoza, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Poster.
- Galmés, J.; Flexas, J.; Medrano, H.. , "Variability in photosynthetic water use efficiency among Mediterranean plants". "Plant Energy and Water Productivity", Canberra, Australia, 2008. Poster.
- Gulías, J.; Cifre, J.; Pou, A.; Moreno, M.T.; Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.. , "Vineyard cover crop effects on leaf water use efficiency and grape production". "Cost Action 858 workshop. "Ecophysiological and agronomical tools to improve grape and wine quality", Oporto, Portugal, 2008. Poster.
- Gulías, J.; Cifre, J.; Pou, A.; Moreno, M.T.; Tomás, M.; Medrano, H.. , "Vineyard cover crops effects on leaf water use effiency and grape production and quality under mediterranean conditions". "Eight International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology.", Adelaide, Australia, 2008. Publication data: Abstract book. Poster.
- Medrano, H.; Gulías, J.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Galmés, J.; Flexas, J.. , "Water use efficiency by plants: From leaves to crops.". "Water use efficiency by plants: From leaves to crops.", Mejico, Mexico, 2008. Invited conference.
- Gallé, A.; Florez, I.; Pou, A.; Tomás, M.; Bota, J.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.. , "What are the limiting factors of photosynthetic recovery from drought? Some insights from field and growth chamber experiments.". "Gordon Research Conference CO2 Assimilation in plants: Genome to Biome.", Biddeford, Maine, United States, 2008. Paper presentation.