Biology of plants under Mediterranean conditions
Meetings participation
- MEDRANO, H.. , ".". "Water transport and aquaporins in grapevines", Alcudia- Mallorca, Spain, 2004. Secretary of organising committee.
- GULIAS, J., SANCHEZ, F., RIGO, A., LUCAS, A.M., MEDRANO, H., CIFRE, J.. , "Caracterización socioeconómica de las explotaciones con base forrajera de Mallorca (Islas Baleares)". "XLIV Reunión Científica de la SEEP", Salamanca, Spain, 2004. Publication data: Pastos y ganadería extensiva pp.739-744. Poster.
- García-Gil, M.R.; Molins, A.; Mus, M.; Rosselló, J.A.. , "Chloroplast and nuclear microsatellite data does not support a relict status for Pinus ceciliae, a putative endemic pine from the Balearic Islands.". "Plant evolution in mediterranean climate zones. IXth IOPB meeting.", Valencia, Spain, 2004. Poster.
- FLEXAS, J., RIBAS-CARBÓ, M., BOTA, J., GALMÉS, J,, OTTO, B., CIFRE, J., KALDENHOFF, R., MEDRANO, H.. , "Co-adjustment of water losses and photosynthesis in leaves of grapevines and other C3 plants: a role for aquaporins?". "Workshop water transport and aquaporins in grapevines", Alcudia- Mallorca, Spain, 2004. Publication data: Actas Congreso. Invited conference.
- Bota J., Flexas, J., Medrano, H., Stasyk, O.. , "Effect of drought on partitioning of 14C labelled photosynthate in Vitis vinifera L.". "7th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", Davis, California, United States, 2004. Publication data: Resúmenes. Paper presentation.
- Ribas Carbó, M., Flexas, J., Giles, L., Martinez Cañellas, S., Medrano H., Berry, JA. , "Effects of water stress on respiration in soybean (Glycine max L,) leaves. A hypothesis for the function of the cyanide-resistant alternative pathways". "Combio2004. Symposium on plant metabolism", Perth, Australia, 2004. Paper presentation.
- PARRY, M.A.J., GALMÉS, J., FLEXAS, J., KEYS, AJ., HASLAM, R., MADWICK, PJ, Medrano, H. , "Environmental and ecological aspects of CO2 assimilation". "6th International Symposium on plant responses to air pollution and global changes: from molecular biology to plant production and ecosystem.", Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Japan, 2004. Publication data: Resúmenes. Invited conference.
- GULIAS, J., RIGO, A., ALCOVER, B., MUS, M., DURÀ, A., MEDRANO, H., RUIZ, M., RALLO, J., CIFRE, J.. , "GIS and Multivariate Analysis as useful tools for forage ressources management; a case study in Mallorca Island (West Mediterranean)". "Grassland Science in Europe", Lucerne, Switzerland, 2004. Publication data: Grassland science in Europe. Poster.
- FLEXAS, J, BOTA, J, GALMÉS, J, GULÍAS, J, MARTINEZ-CAÑELLAS, M, RIBAS-CARBÓ M, MEDRANO, H. , "Leaf level ecophysiological studies on photosynthesis implications for scaling up to plant,community and ecosystem processes". "Linking ecophysiology with ecosystem processes", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2004. Invited conference.
- Conesa, M.; Cosín, A.; Mus, M.; Rosselló, J.A.. , "Nuclear and cpDNA data suggest extensive cytoplasmic capture among narrow endemic and widespread species of Helichrysum in the Balearic Islands..". "Plant evolution in mediterranean climate zones. IXth IOPB meeting.", Valencia, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.
- MARTINEZ S., RIBA-CARBÓ, M., SANS; A., SAMPOL, B., RIERA, D., ESCALONA, J.M., BOTA, J., SANCHEZZ FORSS, A., VADELL, J., FLEXAS, J., MEDRANO, H. , "Optimization of irrigation in Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo based on physiological parameters". "VII Simposio luso-espanhol , relaçoes hídricas das plantas", Faro- Portugal, Portugal, 2004. Paper presentation.
- BOTA, J., FLEXAS, J.MEDRANO, H.,. , "Regulación de la fotosíntesis en respuesta al estrés hídrico : limitaciones metabólicas y de difusión del CO2". "VII Simposio Luso-Espanhol , Relaçoes Hídricas das Plantas", Faro- Portugal, Portugal, 2004. Invited conference.
- GALMÉS J, KEYS AJ, CIFRE J, MITCHELL RAC, PARRY MAJ, MEDRANO H, FLEXAS J. , "Rubisco specificity factor tends to be larger in plant species from drier habitats and in species with persistent leaves". "13th International Congress of Photosynthesis", Montreal, Canada, 2004. Publication data: Resúmenes. Poster.
- Escalona, JM, Flexas, J., Medrano, H.. , "Sap flow meters and linear transducers of displacement (LTDs) as physiological indicators of drought: future prospects for irrigation scheduling". "Qualitatsmanagement im Obst-und Weinbau, International Symposium Stuttgart", Stuttgart, Germany, 2004. Publication data: Resúmenes. Invited conference.
- FLEXAS J., RIBAS-CARBÓ, M., BOTA, J., OTTO, B., CIFRE, J., KALDENHOFF, R., MEDRANO, H.. , "Tobacco aquaporin NtAQP1 is involved in mesophyll conductance to CO2 in vivo". "13 th International Congress of Photosynthesis", Montreal, Canada, 2004. Publication data: Resúmenes. Paper presentation.
- Joy, M., Gulias, J., Cifre, J.. , "Viabilidad de la producción de corderos de raza mallorquina en pasto". "Pastos y Ganaderia Extensiva", Salamanca, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.