Clinical and translational research

Meetings participation

  • Obrador-Hevia, A.; Martínez, E..; Calabuig-Fariñas, S.; Ramos, R.; Felipe-Abrio, I.; Martín, J.; Alemany, R.. , "Wnt/β-catenin signalling inhibition is a potential new therapeutic strategy in soft tissue sarcoma cells". "European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)-AACR-SIC Special Conference on Anticancer drug action and drug resistance: from cancer biology to the clinic.", Florencia, Italy, 2015. Publication data: Libro de congreso. Poster.
  • Barceló, F.; Gomila, R.M.; Merino, J.L.; Alemany, R.; Vögler, O.; de Paúl, I.; Segura, J.; Pérez-Montaña, A.; López, B.; Sampol, A.; Besalduch, J.; Gutiérrez, T.; Portugal, J.. , "Towards the characterization of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance by DSC and Maldi-Tof MS analyses of blood serum proteome". "XV Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE)", Granada, Spain, 2015. Publication data: Libro de Congresos. Poster.
  • Obrador-Hevia, A.; Martinez, E.; Calabuig-Fariñas, S.; Ramos, R.; Felipe-Abrio, I.; Martín, J.; Alemany, R.. , "Wnt/β-catenin signalling inhibition is a potential new therapeutic strategy in soft tissue sarcomas.". "15th ASEICA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS", Sevilla, Spain, 2015. Publication data: Libro de congresos. Poster.
  • Felipe-Abrio, I.; Obrador-Hevia, A.; Martín, A. ; Calabuig-Fariñas, S.; Alemany, R.; Martín, J.. , "Targeting neddylation of cullin-ring ligases by MLN4924 decreases cell proliferation and survival of soft tissue sarcoma cells.". "15th ASEICA International congress.", Sevilla, Spain, 2015. Publication data: Libro de congresos. Poster.