Clinical and translational research
Meetings participation
- Alemany, R.; Villar, V.H.; Vögler, O.; Serra, J.M.; Gutiérrez, A.; Ramos, R.; Obrador-Hevia, A.; Calabuig, S.; Martín, J.. , "Reversal of P-glycoprotein and MRP-1-mediated multidrug resistance by nilotinib enhances the antitumoral effect of doxorubicin in soft tissue sarcomas". "Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS)", Chicago, United States, 2011. Publication data: Libro del congreso: Abstract ID: 1146606. Poster.
- Barceló, F.; Prades, J.; Gómez-Florit, M.; Mestres, B.; Alemany, R.; Vögler, O.. , "CAN BIOACTIVE ALPHA-HYDROXYFATTY ACIDS INDUCE LIPID PHASE SEPARATION?". "XI CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD DE BIOFÍSICA DE ESPAÑA", Murcia, Spain, 2011. Poster.