Clinical and translational research

Meetings participation

  • Alemany, R.; Vögler, O.; Gutierrez, A.; Navarro, M.; Ros, T.; Saus, C.; Ginés, J.; Sampol, A.; Amat, J.C.; Martín, J.; Galmés, A.; Besalduch, J.; Serra, J.M.. , "Inhibition of c-Myc down-regulation by sustained ERK activation prevents methotrexate induced differentiation in A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells". "EPHAR 2008", Manchester, United Kingdom, 2008. Publication data: Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 22 (Supplement 2):94-94. P165. Poster.
  • Vögler, O.; López-Bellán, A.; Alemany, R.; Escribá, P.; Tofé, S.; Quevedo, J.; Díaz, S.; Pereg, V.. , "Pharmacological potential of natural and synthetic fatty acids to alter body weight and hepatic lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese mice". "EPHAR 2008", Manchester, United Kingdom, 2008. Publication data: Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 22 (Supplement 2):101-101. P193. Poster.