Clinical and translational research
Meetings participation
- Martínez, J.; Gutierrez, A.; Ros, T.;Navarro, M.;Amat, J.C.; Alemany, R.;Galmés, A.;Vögler, O.;Vila, A.;Julia, M.;Besalduch, J.. , "Mecanismos de resitencia a células Burkitt asociados a la regulación de la proteína GSK-3β". "Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Espanyola de Hematología y Hemoterapia.", Pamplona, Spain, 2007. Publication data: Libro de abstracts. Poster.
- Gutierrez, A.; Rodriguez, J.; Martinez, J.; Ballester, C.; Crespi, C.; Bea, M.D.; Amat, J.C.; Villavicencio, R.; Morey, M.; Duran, M.A.; Linares, C.; Rifa, J.; Bautista, A.; Voegler, O.; Alemany, R.; Sampol, A.; Besalduch, J.. , "NK and T-cell status as well as their perforin expression is related to clinical severity and outcome in difuse large cell lymphoma". "49th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition", Atlanta, United States, 2007. Publication data: Poster session, Board#728-I. Blood, 110 (11), p.470A-470A, Part 1, Meeting Abstract: 1574. Poster.