Pascual, A.; Gomis, D.; Haney, R.L.; Ruiz, S.. , "A quasi-geostrophic analysis of a menader in the Palamós Canyon". "XXVIII EGS General Assembly", Nice, France, 2003. Poster.
Rubio, A.; Durrieu de Madron, X; Puigdefàbregras, J.; Espino, M.; Gomis, D.; Ruiz, S.. , "Three procedures for the analysis of the geostrophic circulation associated with an eddy over the Catalan Continental Shelf". "XXVIII EGS General Assembly", Nice, France, 2003. Poster.
Marcos, M.; Liu, P. L.-F.; Monserrat, S.. , "Linear and nonlinear resonant coupling between two bays". "Long waves symposium 2003 (in parallel with the XXX IAHR Congress)", Thesalonika, Greece, 2003. Paper presentation.
S. Monserrat, A.B. Rabinovich, M. Marcos, P.L-F. Liu. , "Linear coupling between two adjacent inlets: Observation and modeling". "EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly", Niza, France, 2003. Poster.
Rubio, A., Gomis, D., Durrieu de Madron, X., Espino, M., Jorda, G., Puigdefabregas, J., Ruiz, S.. , "Three procedures for the analysis of the geostrophic circulation combining ADCP and CTD data". "European Geophysical Society XXVIII Assembly", Nice, France, 2003. Paper presentation.