Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)

Publications in journals

  • Mulet-Forteza, C.; Socias Salva, A.; Monserrat, S.; Amores, A., "80th Anniversary of Pure and Applied Geophysics: A Bibliometric Overview", "Pure and Applied Geophysics", Issue 177, Pages 531-570, 2020. Paper.
  • J.J. Miñana, O. Valero, "On partial metric preserving functions and their characterization", "Filomat", Volume 34, Issue 7, Pages 2315-2327, 2020. Paper.
  • Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan José; Roig, Bernardino y Sapena, Almanzor, "A characterization of strong completeness in fuzzy metric spaces", "Mathematics", Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 1-11, 2020. Paper.
  • Latorre-Carmona, Pedro; Minana, Juan-Jose y Morillas, Samuel, "Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples", "Signal Image And Video Processing", Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 483-490, 2020. Paper.
  • Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "On Bishop-Phelps partial order, variation mappings and caristi's fixed point theorem in quasi-metric spaces", "Fixed Point Theory", Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 739-754, 2020. Paper.
  • Fuster-Parra, P.; Martín, J.; Recasens, J. y Valero, O., "T-Equivalences: the metric behavior revisited", "Mathematics", Volume 8, Issue 4:495, Pages 1-18, 2020. Paper.
  • Francisco Bonin-Font;Antoni Burguera Burguera., "Towards Multi-Robot Visual Graph-SLAM for Autonomous Marine Vehicles", "Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering", Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 437-462, 2020. Paper.
  • Antoni Burguera, "Segmentation through patch classification: A neural network approach to detect Posidonia oceanica in underwater images", "Ecological Informatics", Volume 56, Pages 101053, 2020. Paper.
  • Grigorenko, O., Miñana, J.J., Sostak, A. y Valero, O., "On t-Conorm Based Fuzzy (Pseudo)metrics", "Axioms", Volume 9, Issue 3(78), Pages 1-20, 2020. Paper.
  • E. Bernal-Delgado, M. Comendeiro-Maaløe, M. Ridao-López & A. Sansó-Rosselló, "Factors underlying the growth of hospital expenditure in Spain in a period of unexpected economic shocks: a dynamic analysis on administrative data", "Health Policy", Volume 214, Pages 389-396, 2020. Paper.
  • Otero, L.; Raiza, A.; Martorell, O.; Mulet, C., "What Determines Efficiency in MENA Banks?", "Journal of Business Research", Volume 112, Pages 331-341, 2020. Paper.
  • Mauleón-Méndez, E.; Genovart-Balaguer; J.; Martorell Cunill, O; Mulet-Forteza, C., "Tourism research: A bibliometric and country analysis", "Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems", Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 5565-5577, 2020. Paper.
  • Bonnin-Pascual J; Molina-Romero X; Álvarez Segurado C; Jiménez-Segovia M; Bianchi A; Morón-Canís JM; Bonnin-Pascual F; González-Argente FX., "Use of indocianine green fluorescence in acute mesenteric ischemia", "Annals of Mediterranean Surgery", Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 20-25, 2020. Paper.
  • Socias-Salva, A., Nicolas, C., Horrach-Rosselló, P., & Mulet-Forteza, C., "Forgotten effects of worth-creating activities in hybrid business management models in non-profit organizations", "Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems", Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 5342-5353, 2020. Paper.
  • Zurita, G.; Merigó, J.M.; Lobos-Ossandón, V.; Mulet-Forteza, C., "Bibliometrics in computer science: An institution ranking", "Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems", Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 5441-5453, 2020. Paper.
  • Calvo Sánchez, T.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Valero, O., "The aggregation of transitive fuzzy relations revisited.", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 446, Pages 243-260, 2020. Paper.
  • Bonnin-Pascual, F.; Ortiz, A., "UWB-based self-localization strategies: an ICP-based novel method and a comparative assessment for noisy ranges-prone environments", "Sensors", Volume 20, Issue 19, 2020. Paper.
  • Merigó, J.M.; Mulet-Forteza, C.; Martorell, O.; Merigó-Lindahl, C., "Scientific research in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field: a bibliometric analysis", "Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research", Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 494-508, 2020. Paper.
  • Miñana, J.-J.; Valero, O., "On Matthews Relationship Between Quasi-Metrics and Partial Metrics: An Aggregation Perspective", "Results In Mathematics", Volume 75, Issue 2, 2020. Paper.
  • Gregori, V.; Miñana, J.-J.; Miravet, D., "A duality relationship between fuzzy partial metrics and fuzzy quasi-metrics", "Mathematics", Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020. Paper.