Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Publications in journals
- Mohammadi, Z.; Valero, O., "A new contribution to fixed point theory in partial quasi-metric spaces and its applications to asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms", "Topology and its Applications", Volume 203, Pages 42-56, 2016. Paper.
- Romaguera, S.; Schellekens, M.P.; Tirado, P.; Valero, O., "On the domain of formal balls and the Sorgenfrey quasi-metric space.", "Topology and its Applications", Issue 203, Pages 177-187, 2016. Paper.
- Aguiló, I; Calvo, T.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Martín, J.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J., "Preference structures: qualitative judgements based on smooth t-conorms", "Information Sciences", Volume 366, Pages 165-176, 2016. Paper.
- Fuster-Parra, P.; Garcia-Mas, A.; Cantallops, J.; Ponset, F.J. y Luo, Y., "Ranking features on psychological dynamics of cooperative team work through Bayesian networks", "Symmetry-Basel", Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 1-17, 2016. Paper.
- Aguiló, I.; Calvo, T.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Martin, J.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J., "Preference structures: qualitative judgements based on smooth t-conorms", "Information Sciences", Volume 366, Pages 165-176, 2016. Paper.
- Ponseti, F. Javier; García-Mas, Alexandre; Palou, Pere; Cantallops, Jaume y Fuster-Parra, Pilar, "Self-determined motivation and types of sportive cooperation among players on competitive teams. A Bayesian network analysis", "International Journal of Sport Psychology", Volume 47, Issue 5, Pages 428-442, 2016. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José; Morillas, Samuel y Sapena, Almanzor, "Characterizing a class of comletable fuzzy metric spaces", "Topology and its Applications", Volume 203, Pages 3-11, 2016. Paper.
- Miñana, Juan-José y Sostak, Alexander, "Fuzzifying topologies induced by a strong fuzzymetric", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 300, Pages 24-39, 2016. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín y Miñana, Juan-José, "On fuzzy $psi$-contractive sequences and fixed point theorems", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 300, Pages 93-101, 2016. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José; Morillas, Samuel y Sapena, Almanzor, "Cauchyness and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces", "Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie a-Matematicas", Volume 111, Pages 25-37, 2016. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José y Morillas, Samuel, "On probabilistic φ-contractions in Menger spaces", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 313, Pages 114-118, 2016. Paper.
- Del Barrio, T.; Bodnar, A. y Sansó, A., "The lag length selection and detrending methods for HEGY seasonal unit root tests using Stata", "Stata Journal", Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 740-760, 2016. Paper.
- Andreu Sansó Rosselló; Joan Rosselló Villalonga, "Subnational Government's budget deficit targets in a Monetary Union: the Spanish case 1995-2010", "Ekonomiaz", Volume 89, Pages 280-313, 2016. Paper.
- Fuster-Parra, P.; Tauler, P.; Bennasar-Veny, M.; Lig?za, A.; López-González, A.A. y Aguiló, A., "Bayesian network modeling: a case study of an epidemiologic system analysis of cardiovascular risk", "Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine", Volume 126, Pages 128-142, 2016. Paper.