Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Publications in journals
- Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "A characterization of completeness via absolutely convergent series and the Weierstrass test in asymmetric normed semilinear spaces.", "Abstract And Applied Analysis", Volume 2014, Issue 118, Pages 8 páginas, 2014. Paper.
- Alghamdi, M.A.; Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "New results on the Baire partial quasi-metric space, fixed point theory and asymtptotic complexity analysis for recursive programs", "Fixed Point Theory And Applications", Volume 2014, Issue 2014:14, 2014. Paper.
- Massanet, S.; Valero, O., "A general approach to midpoint theory and aggregation of quasi-metrics" [Publicació online], "International Journal of Intelligent Systems", Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 279-306, 2014. Paper.
- García-Mas, A.; Pujals, C.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Núñez, A. and Rubio, V.J., "Determinación de las variables psicológicas y deportivas relevantes a las lesiones deportivas: un análisis bayesiano", "Revista de Psicología del Deporte", Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 423-429, 2014. Paper.
- Fuster Parra, Pilar; Tauler Riera, Pedro José; Bennasar Veny, Miguel; Aguiló Pons, Antonio, "Usefulness of Bayesian networks in epidemiological studies", "Medicina Balear", Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 10-17, 2014. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José y Morillas, Samuel, "A note on local bases and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces", "Topology and its Applications", Volume 163, Pages 142-148, 2014. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José y Morillas, Samuel, "A note on convergence in fuzzy metric spaces", "Iranian Journal Of Fuzzy Systems", Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 75-85, 2014. Paper.
- Gregori, Valentín y Miñana, Juan-José, "Some remarks in fuzzy contractive mappings", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 251, Pages 101-103, 2014. Paper.
- Sansó, A.; Simón de Blas, C.; Sipols, A.G., "A Detrended Range Unit Root Test", "Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation", Volume 42, Issue 6, Pages 1253-1264, 2014. Paper.
- Burguera, A.; Guerrero, J., "Lenguaje ensamblador en el siglo XXI: desarrollo de videojuegos como elemento motivador", "ReVisión, Revista de AENUI de investigación en Docencia Universitaria de la Informática.", Volume 7, Issue 2, 2014. Paper.