Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)

Publications in journals

  • Guerrero, J.; Oliver, G., "Swarm-like Methodologies for Executing Tasks with Deadlines", "Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems", Volume 68, Issue 1, Pages 3-19, 2012. Paper.
  • Guerrero, J.; Oliver, G., "Multi-robot coalition formation in real-time scenarios", "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", Volume 60, Issue 10, Pages 1295-1307, 2012. Paper.
  • Cerdà-Uguet, M.A.; Schellekens, M.P.; Valero, O., "The Baire partial quasimetric space: a mathematical tool for the asymptotic complexity analysis in Computer Science", "Theory of Computing Systems", Volume 50, Pages 387-399, 2012. Paper.
  • Romaguera S.; Tirado, P.; Valero, O., "Complete partial metric spaces have partially metrizable computational models", "International Journal of Computer Mathematics", Volume 89, Pages 284-290, 2012. Paper.
  • Romaguera S.; Tirado, P.; Valero, O., "New results on mathematical foundations of asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms via complexity spaces", "International Journal of Computer Mathematics", Volume 89, Pages 1728-1741, 2012. Paper.
  • Valero, O., "Análisis asintótico de relaciones de recurrencia en complejidad algorítmica mediante la teoría de ecuaciones en diferencia.", "Enginy@eps", Volume 3, Pages 52-57, 2012. Paper.
  • Alghamdi, M.A.; Shahzad, N; Valero, O., "On fixed point theory in partial metric spaces", "Fixed Point Theory And Applications", Volume 2012, Issue 175, 2012. Paper.
  • Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José y Morillas, Samuel, "Some qüestions in fuzzy metric spaces", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 204, Pages 71-85, 2012. Paper.
  • Bustince, H.; Calvo, T.; De Baets, B.; Fodor, J.; Mesiar, R.; Montero, J.; Paternain, D. and Pradera, A., "A class of fuzzy multisets with a fixed number of memberships" [], "Journal of Information Science", Volume 189, Pages 1-17, 2012. Paper.