Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Publications in journals
- S. Oltra, O. Valero, "Isometries on quasi-normed cones and bicompletion", "New Zealand Journal of Mathematics", Volume 33, Pages 83-90, 2004. Paper.
- L. M. Garcia-Raffi, S. Romaguera, E. A. Sanchez-Perez, O. Valero, "Metrizability of the unit ball of the dual of a quasi-normed cone", "Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana", Volume 8, Issue 7-B, Pages 483-492, 2004. Paper.
- S. Romaguera, J. V. Sanchez-Perez, O. Valero, "A mathematical model to reproduce the wave field generated by conbvergent lenses", "Applied Sciences", Volume 6, Pages 44-52, 2004. Paper.
- S. Oltra, O. Valero, "Banach's fixed point theorem for partial metric spaces", "Rendiconti dell'Istituto di matematica dell'Università di Trieste", Volume 36, Pages 17-26, 2004. Paper.
- Fuster-Parra, P. and González-García, R., "A rule-base result analyst tool for simulation models of computer systems.", "Transactions of the Wessex Institute és una revista online", Pages 355-363, 2004. Paper.
- Martín, J.,Mayor, G. y Suñer, J., "On Binary Operations with Finite External Range", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 146, Pages 19-26, 2004. Paper.
- Carrión, J.L.; Sansó, A. y Artís, M., "Raíces unitarias y cambios estructurales en las macromagnitudes españolas", "Revista de Economía Aplicada", Volume 12, Issue 35, Pages 5-27, 2004. Paper.
- Rosselló, J.; Riera, A. y Sansó, A., "The economic determinants of seasonal patterns. Seasonality in monthly international tourist arrivals to the Balearic Islands", "Annals of Tourism Research", Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 697-711, 2004. Paper.
- Sansó, A.; Aragó, V. y Carrion, J.L., "Testing for changes in the unconditional variance of financial time series", "Revista de Economía Financiera", Volume 4, Pages 32-52, 2004. Paper.
- J. Rosselló, A. Riera ; A. Sansó, "Los determinantes económicos del patrón estacional", "Annals of Tourism Research en español", Volume 12, Issue 323, Pages 5-339, 2004. Paper.
- Calvo, T. and Pradera A., "Double aggregation operators", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volume 142, Pages 15-33, 2004. Paper.
- Calvo, T., Mesiar R. and Yager R.R., "Quantitative weights and aggregation", "IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems", Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 62-69, 2004. Paper.