Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Meetings participation
- Casasnovas, J. i Valero, O.. , "On midpoints for the weighted upper Hamming distance between fuzzy sets". "Intern. Conf. on inform. processing and management of uncertainty", PARIS, France, 2006. Publication data: Proceedings. pp: 114-121. Paper presentation.
- Romaguera, S.i Valero, O.. , "Applications of the structure of complexity partial functions to Computer Science". "6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2006)", Madrid, Spain, 2006. Publication data: Proceedings of IPMU 06, pp. 114-121. (ISBN: 2-84254-112-X). Paper presentation.
- Valero, O.. , "Simposium Iberoamericano de Educación, Cibernética e Informática SIECI 2006". "SIECI 2006", Orlando, United States, 2006. Participation in review committee.
- Fuster-Parra, P. and Ligeza, A.. , "A Framework for Knowledge Management for Domotic Applications.". "Eighteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.", Vienna, Austria, 2006. Publication data: Proceedings of the conference. Speech.
- Ligeza, A. and Fuster-Parra, P.. , "A Granular Attributive Logic for Rule-Based Systems Management within Extended Tabular Trees". "Eighteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.", Vienna, Austria, 2006. Publication data: Proceedings of the conference. Speech.
- José Guerrero, Gabriel Oliver. , "Physical interference impact in multi-robot task allocation auction methods". "IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems", Prague, Czech Republic, 2006. Publication data: Workshop Proceedings ISBN:0-7695-2589-X. Paper presentation.
- José Guerrero, Gabriel Oliver. , "Monitoring and Interference Impact in Multi-Robot Auction Methods". "AAAI-06 Workshop on Auction Mechanisms for Robot Coordination", Boston, United States, 2006. Publication data: Actas del congreso. Paper presentation.