Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Meetings participation
- L.M. Garcia-Raffi, S. Oltra, S. Romaguera, E. A. Sanchez-Perez, O. Valero. , "Topologia no simetrica en estructuras lineales". "XI Encuentros de Topologia", Barcelona, Spain, 2004. Publication data: Libro de abstracts de XI Encuentro de Topologia. Poster.
- Oscar Valero. , "On Banach fixed point theorems for partial metric spaces". "V ITALIAN-SPANISH CONFERENCE ON GENERAL TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS", Almeria, Spain, 2004. Publication data: Libro de abstracts de V ITALIAN-SPANISH CONFERENCE ON GENERAL TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Paper presentation.
- S. Romaguera, E.A. Sánchez-Pérez, O. Valero. , "The dual complexity space as the dual of a normed cone". "The Third Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT 2004)", Dublin, Ireland, 2004. Publication data: Libro de abstracts de MFCSIT 2004. Paper presentation.
- Valero, O.. , "Actuación como referee para el congreso Internacional Conference on Computing, Comunication and Control Tecnologies: CCCT'04". "CCCT'04", Auatin, United States, 2004. Participation in review committee.
- J. Martin, Gaspar Mayor and T. Calvo. , "Aggregation operators based on some families of symmetric fuzzy (pp. 343-350)". "IPMU'2004 Tipus de participació: Comunicació", Perugia, Italy, 2004. Paper presentation.
- José Guerrero, Gabriel Oliver. , "Multi-Robot Task Allcation Method for Multiple Heterogeneous Tasks with Priorities". "7 th. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS 2004)", Toulouse, France, 2004. Publication data: 'Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 6', by Springer-Verlag ISBN: 978-4-431-35869-5. Paper presentation.
- N. Haldrup, M. Montañés , A. Sansó. , "Testing for Additive Outliers in Seasonally Integrated Time Series". "Simposio de Análisis Económico", Pamplona, Spain, 2004. Speech.
- N. Haldrup, S. Hylleberg, G. Pons , A.Sansó. , "Common Periodic Correlations and Periodic Multicointegration in Daily Airport Transit Data". "I Jornada en Economía del Turismo", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2004. Speech.
- N. Haldrup, S. Hylleberg, G. Pons , A.Sansó. , "Common Periodic Correlations and Periodic Multicointegration in Daily Airport Transit Data". "Conference Common Features in London", Londres, United Kingdom, 2004. Invited conference.