Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)

Other publicacions

  • Romaguera, S.; Valero, O.. , "Asymptotic complexity analysis and denotational semantics for recursive programs based on complexity spaces", Semantics, Book 1. Croatia, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Massanet, S.; Valero, O.. , "New results on metric aggregation", Proceedings of the 17th Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Technology and Fuzzy Logic (Estylf 2012). Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Massanet, S.; Valero, O.. , "Is the aggregation of extended quasi-metrics an extended quasi-metric?", Applied Topology: Recent Progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics. Spain, 2012. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Valero, O.. , "On midpoints and aggregation of quasi-metrics", Proceedings of the Workshop in Applied Topology 2012 (WiAT'12). Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Valero, O.. , "Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics. Proceedings of WiAT'12.". Spain, 2012. Publisher.
  • Buades Capó, A.; Pericás Reinés, R.; Plandiura Vilacís, L.; Valero Sierra, O.. , "Una introducción al modelado matemático en economía y administración de empresas". Spain, 2012. Book.
  • García, A.; Fuster, P.; Palou, P.; Ponseti, X.; Cantallops, J.. , "Motivational Climate, self determination and cooperation in youth basketball players; an analyssis with bayesian networks", Antúnez, A. and Jiménez, S. (eds). El Camino hacia la Excelencia en Baloncesto, Wanceulen.. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Valentín Gregori; Juan-José Miñana. , "Some aspects of the standard fuzzy metric", Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economy. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.