Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)

Other publicacions

  • S. Romaguera, E. A. Sanchez-Perez, O. Valero. , "Computing Complexity distances between algorithms", Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods on Science and Engineering CMMSE-2002. Spain, 2002. Book chapter.
  • Oscar Valero. , "New complexity distances: reconciling complexity theory and languages semantics", Memorias de las Cuartas Jornadas de Investigación y Fomento de la Multidisciplinariedad. Spain, 2002. Book chapter.
  • Guerrero, J.; Oliver, G.; Ortiz, A.. , "Experiments Design using a Mobile Robots Simulator", Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics. Romania, 2002. Book chapter.
  • T. Calvo, J. Martín, G. Mayor y J. Suñer. , "On Dominance and Dispersion of a Class of Weighting", Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems. (Studies in Fuzziness). United States, 2002. Book chapter.
  • Calvo, T.; MArtín, J.; Mayor, G. i Suñer, J.. , "On dominance and dispersion of a class of weighting lists.", Llibre: Technologies for constructing intelligent systems. Spain, 2002. Book chapter.
  • Aguiló Segura, J. Capó, A. Febrer, X. Grimal, G. Lozano, J. Lozano, A. Matas, J. Rey-Maqueira, T. Riera, A. Ripoll, J. Rosselló, A. Sansó i M. Tugores. , "Conjuntura 2015". Spain, 2002. Research reports.
  • Sansó, A.; Grimalt, X. i Riera, A.. , "Els registres de 2001 i la seva expressió territorial.", Capítols VII, VIII, i IX. a VV.AA. Informe econòmic i social de les Illes Balears 2001. Sa Nostra, Caixa de Balears.. Spain, 2002. Book chapter.