Models for Fuzzy Information Processing (MOTIBO)
Other publicacions
- Mir-Fuentes, A.; Pajoohesh, H; Valero, O.. , "Aggregation of Fuzzy Relations: The Bounded Partial Metric Case", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. INFUS 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Mulet-Forteza, C..; Serra-Moll, M.A.; Valero, O.. , "A Fuzzy Mid-Point Based Decision-Support Method for the Assessment of Investments and Companies", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. INFUS 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Jaume-Martín, G; Antich, J.; Guerrero, J.; Valero, O.. , "An application of fuzzy sets to optimal task-allocation problem", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. INFUS 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Ortiz, A; Valero, O.; Miñana J.J.. , "Addressing Multi-class Classification Tasks by means of RBFNN-like Models using Modular Indistinguishability Operators", Sixth International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems - Intelligent Industrial Informatics and Efficient Networks (INFUS2024). Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Mir-Fuentes, A.; Valero, O.. , "Espacios metricos parciales acotados y el problema de agregación", 20th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2024). Spain, 2024. Book chapter.
- Jaume-Martín, G; Antich, J.; Valero, O.. , "Una aplicación de conjuntos difusos a la asignación óptima de tareas", 20th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2024).. Spain, 2024. Book chapter.
- Mulet-Forteza, C..; Serra-Moll, M.A.; Valero, O.. , "A new decision-making method for the assessment of investments and companies based on fuzzy mid-points", 20th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2024). Spain, 2024. Book chapter.
- Alberto Ortiz, Óscar Valero, Juan José Miñana. , "On the Use of Modular Indistinguishability Operators in RBFNN-like Models", Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based System (IPMU 2024). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter in press.
- I. Aguiló, P. Fuster-Parra, J.V. Riera. , "Un estudio sobre el Modus Ponens generalizado para implicaciones derivadas de uniformas discretas". Spain, 2024. Minutes of congress.
- J. Guerrero, G. Jaume-Martin, M.D.M Bibiloni-Femenias, O. Valero, J. Antich. , "On the use of Modular Quasi-Metrics and Possibility Theory for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems", 26th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence. Spain, 2024. Book chapter in press.
- Serra, A.; Canals, V.; Cortés, P.J.; Ortiz, A.. , "NTL Detection in Smart Grids by Means of a Reservoir Computing-Based Solution", Proc. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Portugal, 2024. Book chapter.
- Ortiz, A.; Valero, O.. , "Addressing Multi-class Classification Tasks by means of RBFNN-like Models using Modular Indistinguishability Operators", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Ortiz, A.; Valero, O.; Miñana, J.J.. , "On the Use of Modular Indistinguishability Operators in RBFNN-like Models", Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Ortiz, A.. , "A Neuron Coverage-based Self-Organizing Approach for RBFNNs in Multi-Class Classification Tasks", Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning. Switzerland, 2024. Book chapter.
- Bonnin-Pascual, F.; Ortiz, A.; García-Fidalgo, E.. , "Incorporating Trajectory Following Capabilities into an Aerial Robot for Vessel Inspection", Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Italy, 2024. Book chapter.
- Tauler-Rosselló, A.; García-Fidalgo, E.; Ortiz, A.. , "A Frontier-based Exploration Approach Making Use of Jointly Updated Local and Global Trees", Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Italy, 2024. Book chapter.