Mobile Communications (MCG)
Meetings participation
- Felip Riera-Palou; Guillem Femenias; Marius Caus; Musbah Shaat; Jan Garcia-Morales; Ana Isabel Pérez-Neira. , "Enhancing Cell-Free Massive MIMO networks through LEO Satellite Integration". "IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)", Nanjing, China, 2021. Publication data: Proceedings of the IEEE WCNCW 2021. Paper presentation.
- F. Riera-Palou, G. Femenias, J. García-Morales and H.Q. Ngo. , "Selective infrastructure activation in cell-free massive MIMO: a two time-scale approach". "IEEE Globecom 2021", Madrid, Spain, 2021. Publication data: Proc. of the IEEE Globecom 2021-Workshops. Paper presentation.
- F. Riera-Palou; G. Femenias; M. Shaat; M. Caus; J. Garcia-Morales; A.I. Pérez-Neira. , "Enhancing Cell-Free Massive MIMO networks through LEO satellite integration". "IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference", Virtual, Spain, 2021. Publication data: Proc. of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2021-Workshops. Speech.