Contemporary Anglophone Literatures (LITANGLO)

Other publicacions

  • Paszkiewicz, K.; Rusnak, Stacy (eds.). , "Final Girls, Feminism, and Popular Culture". United Kingdom, 2020. Publisher.
  • Paszkiewicz, K.. , "Gender, Genre, and Authorship in Ginger Snaps", Women Make Horror, Alison Peirse (ed.). United States, 2020. Book chapter.
  • Loretta Collins Klobah; Maria Grau Perejoan. , "The Sea Needs No Ornament/ El mar no necesita ornamento: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Caribbean Women Poets". United Kingdom, 2020. Book in press.
  • Paloma Fresno Calleja, Eva M. Pérez Rodríguez, Pilar Villar Argáiz y Miquel Pomar Amer. , "The Romantic Tourist Novel and the Commodification of the Exotic", Advances in English and American Studies: Current Developments, Future Trends. Spain, 2020. Minutes of congress.
  • Zehelein, Eva-Sabine; Carosso, Andrea; Rosende-Pérez, Aida. , "Family in Crisis? Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives". Germany, 2020. Publisher.
  • Fresno-Calleja, Paloma and Janet M. Wilson. , "New Zealand and the Globalisation of Culture, Special Issue of Journal of Postcolonial Writing". United Kingdom, 2020. Publisher.
  • Fresno-Calleja, Paloma. , "Oceanic Identities: Trans/national Formations in New Zealand and the Pacific Island Region", Indigeneity and Nation. Key Concepts in Indigenous Studies. Eds G.N. Devy and Geoffrey V. Davis. United Kingdom, 2020. Book chapter.
  • Paszkiewicz, K.. , "'Just keep looking forward or we'll be stuck here forever': The Final Girls (2015) and transformations of the slasher genre", Final girls, feminism and popular culture. United States, 2020. Book chapter.