Electronic Systems Group (GSE)
Publications in journals
- Villacorta, H.; Champac, V.; Gomez, R.; Hawkins, C.; Segura, J., "Reliability Analysis of Small Delay Defects Due to Via Narrowing in Signal Paths", "IEEE Design & Test of Computers", 2013. Paper.
- Uranga, A.; Verd, J.; Marigó, E.; Giner, J.; Muñoz-Gamarra, J.L.; Barniol, N., "Exploitation of non-linearities in CMOS-NEMS electrostatic resonators for mechanical memories", "Sensors and Actuators A-Physical", Volume 197, Pages 88-95, 2013. Paper.
- Marigó, E.; Verd, J.; Lopez, J.L.; Uranga, A.; Barniol, N., "Packaged CMOS-MEMS free-free beam oscillator", "Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering", Volume 23, Issue 11, Pages 115018, 2013. Paper.