Electronic Systems Group (GSE)

Meetings participation

  • Arcamone, J.; Sansa, M.; Verd, J.; Uranga, A.; Abadal, G.; Barniol, N.; Van den Boogaart, M.A.F.; Brugger, J. and Perez-Murano, F.. , "Nanomechanical mass sensor for monitoring deposition rates through confined apertures". "The 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2009)", Shenzhen (5-8 January 2009), China, 2009. Paper presentation.
  • Verd, J.; Sansa, M.; Uranga, A.; Pey, C.; Abadal, G.; Perez-Murano, F. and Barniol, N.. , "Monolithic CMOS-MEMS oscillators with micro-degree temperature resolution in air conditions". "The 15th international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems (Transducers 2009)", Denver (21-25 June 2009), United States, 2009. Paper presentation.
  • Lopez, J.L.; Verd, J.; Giner, J.; Uranga, A.; Murillo, G.; Marigo, E.; Torres, F.; Abadal, G. and Barniol, N.. , "High-Q CMOS-MEMS resonators and its applications as a RF tunable band-pass filter". "The 15th international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems (Transducers 2009)", Denver (21-25 June 2009), United States, 2009. Poster.
  • Torrens, G.; Alorda, B.; Rosselló, J.L.; Bota, S.; Segura, J.. , "Analysis of Radiation Hardening Techniques for 6T SRAMs with Structured Layout". "IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) 2009", Montreal, Canada, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings of the IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium 2009. ISSN/ISBN: 1541-7026 / 978-1-4244-2888-5. Paper presentation.
  • Bota, S.; Merino, J.L.; Alorda, B.; Verd, J.; Torrens, G. and Segura, J.. , "A CMOS integrated system for SEE-Induced Transients Acquisition". "10th European Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2009)", Bruges, Belgium, 2009. Poster.
  • Sansa, M.; Arcamone, J.; Verd, J.; Uranga, A.; Abadal, G.; Lora-Tamayo, E.; Barniol, N.; van den Boogaart, M.A.F.; Savu, V.; Brugger, J. and Perez-Murano, F.. , "Nanomechanical test structure for optimal alignment in stencil-based lithography". "Microelectronic Test Structures, 2009. ICMTS 2009. IEEE International Conference on", Oxnard (March 31-April 2, 2009), United States, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings of ICMTS 2009, pp. 157-161, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4259-1. Paper presentation.
  • Lopez, J.L.; Verd, J.; Marigo, E.; Uranga, A.; Murillo, G.; Giner, J.; Torres, F.; Abadal, G. and Barniol, N.. , "Monolithically integrated double-ended tuning fork-based oscillator with low bias voltage in air conditions". "Eurosensors XXIII (2009)", Lausanne (September 6-9, 2009), Switzerland, 2009. Publication data: Procedia Cehmistry 1 (2009), 614-617 ISNN 1876-6196. Paper presentation.
  • Lopez, J.L.; Verd, J.; Uranga, A.; Murillo, G.; Giner, J.; Marigo, E.; Torres, F.; Abadal, G. and Barniol, N.. , "VHF Band-Pass Filter based on a Single CMOS-MEMS Double-Ended Tuning Fork Resonator". "Eurosensors XXIII (2009)", Lausanne (September 6-9, 2009), Switzerland, 2009. Publication data: Procedia Cehmistry 1 (2009), 1131-1134 ISNN 1876-6196. Poster.
  • Sansa, M.; Arcamone, J.; Verd, J.; Uranga, A.; Abadal, G.; Barniol, N.; Savu, V.; van den Boogaart, M.A.F.; Brugger, J. amd Perez-Murano, F.. , "NEMS/CMOS sensor for monitoring deposition rates in stencil lithography". "Eurosensors XXIII (2009)", Lausanne (September 6-9, 2009), Switzerland, 2009. Publication data: Procedia Cehmistry 1 (2009), 425-428 ISNN 1876-6196. Poster.
  • Giner, J.; Uranga, A.; Verd, J.; Murillo, G.; marigó, E.; Abadal, G.; Torres, F. and Barniol, N.. , "Towards VHF Fully Integrated Microelectromechanical Filters". "10th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems (MEMSWAVE 2009)", Trento (6-8 July 2009), Italy, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings. Paper presentation.
  • Bota, S.; Torrens, G.; Alorda, B.; Segura, J.. , "Critical Charge Characterization in 6-T SRAMs During Read Mode". "15th IEEE International OnLine Testing Symposium (IOLTS 2009)", Lisbon, Portugal, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International OnLine Testing Symposium. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4822-7. Paper presentation.
  • Alorda, B.; Torrens, G.; Bota, S. and Segura, J.. , "Static-Noise Margin Analysis during Read Operation of 6T SRAM Cells". "XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integratd Systems (DCIS 2009)", Zaragoza, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings of the XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integratd Systems.. Paper presentation.
  • Torrens, G.; Bota, S.; Verd, J.; Alorda, J.; Merino, J.; Segura, J.. , "Analysis of current transients in SRAM memories for single event upset detection". "SPIE Microtechnologies for the new millennium", Dresden, Germany, 2009. Publication data: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7363. ISSN / ISBN: 0277-786X / 9780819476371. Paper presentation.