Research group in linguistic analysis (GRALing)
Meetings participation
- Camargo Fernández, Laura; Jordà Sánchez, Joan Pau. , "Multingüisme, migracions i booms turístics a les Balears: darrer trentenni i projecció demolingüística 2019-2030". "XXXVIII Jornades d'estudis històrics locals de l'Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics", Palma, Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.
- Susana Cortés; Núria Gavaldà; Celia Gorba; Juli Cebrian. , "Cognate effects on L2 phonetic accuracy". "44th AEDEAN Conference", Santander, Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.
- Núria Gavaldà; Susana Cortés; Celia Gorba; Juli Cebrian. , "Are mispronunciations more common and less detectable in cognate than in non-cognate words?". "EuroSLA 30", Barcelona, Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "An Analysis and classification of Social-Education ESP students' grammatical mistakes". "Fifth International Conference LANGUAGE - PROFESSION - SCIENCE - 2.1", Universidad de Belgrado, Serbia, , 2021. Paper presentation.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo-Benzies; Marian Amengual-Pizarro. , "Are ESP students applying their computer literacy to the learning of English an L2?". "38 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA)", A Coruña (online), Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.
- Celia Gorba; Susana Cortés; Juli Cebrian; Núria Gavaldà. , "Investigating the role of cognate status in L2 production and perception". "VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental", Girona, Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.
- Elvira-García, Wendy; Roseano, Paolo; Rost Bagudanch, Assumpció. , "ChaLeT: Determining the chance level in perception experiments by means of binomial tests". "VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental", Girona, Spain, 2021. Publication data: sí. Paper presentation.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies; Nuria Borrull. , "Tourism students' problems with English vowels, consonants and word stress patterns". "38th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA)", Spain, 2021. Paper presentation.