Research group in linguistic analysis (GRALing)

Other publicacions

  • Benet, A.; Cortés, S.; Lleó, C.. , "Devoicing of sibilants as a segmental cue to the influence of Spanish onto current Catalan phonology", Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies. Netherlands, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Blecua, B.; Rost, A.. , "La Evolución de las geminadas latinas: las vibrantes del español", Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Guijarro-Fuentes, P. and Rothman, J.. , "Interfaces in Child Language Acquisition II". United Kingdom, 2012. Publisher.
  • Guijarro-Fuentes, P and Larranaga, P.. , "Clitics: to be or not to be", Pronouns and clitics in early acquisition. Germany, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Enrique-Arias, Andrés. , "Biblia Medieval: diseño y aplicaciones de un corpus paralelo y alineado del español medieval", Montero Cartelle, Emilio (ed.) Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Santiago de Compostela, 14-18 de septiembre de 2009. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Suárez-Gómez, Critina. , "English in contact with other European languages (Italian, Spanish, Slavic)", Historical linguistics of English: An international handbook. Germany, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Benet, A.; Cortés, S.; Lleó, C.. , "Phonoprosodic corpus of spoken Catalan (PhonCAT)", Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis. Netherlands, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Rost, A.. , "La Palatalización de las laterales: sincronía de una diacronía", Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Enrique-Arias, Andrés. , "El contacto de lenguas como inhibidor del cambio lingüístico: castellano y catalán en Mallorca", Montero Cartelle, Emilio (ed.) Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Santiago de Compostela, 14-18 de septiembre de 2009.. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "Students? views on the teaching of english pronunciation in spain. A survey-based study", Research Challenges for Anglophone Studies in the 21st Century. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Larrañaga, P.; Guijarro-Fuentes, P.. , "Pronouns and clitics in early acquisition.". Germany, 2012. Book.
  • Seoane, Elena; Suárez-Gómez, Cristina. , "The impact of mode on morphosyntactic variation in Asian New Englishes", At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain. Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Guijarro-Fuentes, P. and Rothman, J.. , "Interfaces in Child Language Acquisition I". United Kingdom, 2012. Publisher.
  • Coventry, K.; Guijarro-Fuentes, P.; Valdes, B.. , "Spatial Language and SLA". United Kingdom, 2012. Publisher.
  • Nicolau Dols. , "Miquel Gayà: entre l'home que volia ser poeta i el poeta", Miquel Gayà Sitjar. Poesia completa. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Larranaga, P.; Guijarro-Fuentes, P.. , "Collecting data and measuring competence.", Pronouns and clitics in early acquisition. Germany, 2012. Book chapter.
  • Amengual, Marian (ed.). , "NEXUS- AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos) 2012.1. A Tribute to Anna Siewierska (1955-2011)". Spain, 2012. Publisher.
  • Nicolau Dols Salas. , "Miquel Costa i Llobera, lector de poesia", Ídem [opuscle]. Spain, 2012. Others.