Energy metabolism and nutrition (GMEIN)
Other publicacions
- Santandreu, F.M.; Oliver, J.; Roca, P.. , "Implications of oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in the response of colon cancer cells to cisplatin" [], Free Radicals, Health and Lifestyle. Italy, 2009. Paper.
- Roca, P.; Oliver, J. i Sastre, J.. , "Materiales multimedia y biomoléculas", BioROM 2010. Ayudas al aprendizaje de la Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. Spain, 2009. Multimedia publication.
- Santandreu, F.M.; Oliver, J.; Roca, P.. , "Resveratrol enhances 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin cytotoxicity in colon cancer cells" [], Free Radicals, Health and Lifestyle. Italy, 2009. Paper.