Economic History Group (GEHE)
Other publicacions
- Carles Manera. , "Capitalisme desfermat. Una visió subversiva sobre la Gran Recessió, 2008-2011". Spain, 2012. Book.
- Carles Pablo Manera Erbina; Luciano Segreto; Hubert Bonin; Andrzej Kozminski; Manfred Pohl. , "European business and Brand Building". Belgium, 2012. Book.
- Carlos Pablo Manera Erbina; Jaume Garau. , "The invention of Camper brand. Brand building of Mallorca Shoe-manufacturing", European business and Brand building. Belgium, 2012. Book chapter.
- RAMIS PUIG-GRÒS, Andreu. , "El llegat cultural de les possessions: etnografia, literatura i art", MOREY, A.; JOVER G.: Les possessions mallorquines: passat i present. Spain, 2012. Book chapter.