Electronic Engineering Group (GEE)

Publications in journals

  • Caldés Casas, A.; Serapio Fernández, F.; Bueloha, M.C.; Picos Gayá, R.; Campillo Artero, C., "General public and workers exposure to high-frequency electric fields in Spanish hospitals", "Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo", Volume 59, Issue 230, Pages 15-25, 2013. Paper.
  • García Moreno, E.; Isern, E.; Roca, M.; Picos, R.; Font, J.; Cesari, J.; Pineda, A., "Temperature compensated floating gate MOS radiation sensor with current output", "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", Volume 60, Issue 5, Pages 4026-4030, 2013. Paper.
  • E. Garcia-Moreno; E. Isern; M.Roca; R. Picos;J. Font; J. Cesari; A. Pineda, "Temperature compensated Floating Gate MOS radiation sensor with current output", "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", Volume 60, Issue 5, Pages 4026-4030, 2013. Paper.