Solar physics

Publications in journals

  • Ballester, J. L.; Carbonell, M.; Soler, R.; Terradas, J., "The temporal behaviour of MHD waves in a partially ionized prominence-like plasma: Effect of heating and cooling", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 609, Issue A6, Pages 1-17, 2018. Paper.
  • Auchère, F.; Froment, C.; Soubrié, E.; Antolin, P.; Oliver, R.; Pelouze, G., "The coronal monsoon: Thermal nonequilibrium revealed by periodic coronal rain", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 853, Pages 176, 2018. Paper.
  • J.L. Ballester; I. Alexeev; M. Collados; T. Downes; R. F. Pfaff, H. Gilbert; M. Khodachenko; E. Khomenko; I. F. Shaikhislamov; R. Soler; E. Vazquez; T, Zaqarashvili, "Partially ionized plasmas in Astrophysics", "Space Science Reviews", Volume 214, Issue 58, Pages 1-149, 2018. Review.
  • Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L., "Prominence oscillations", "Living Reviews In Solar Physics", Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 1-154, 2018. Review.
  • M. Luna; J. Karpen; J. L. Ballester; K. Muglach; J. Terradas; T. Kucera; H. Gilbert, "GONG Catalog of Solar Filament Oscillations Near Solar Maximum", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 236, Issue 35, Pages 1-30, 2018. Paper.
  • Martínez-Gómez, D.; Soler, R.; Terradas, J., "Multi-fluid Approach to High-frequency Waves in Plasmas. III. Nonlinear Regime and Plasma Heating", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 856, Issue 16, Pages 1-21, 2018. Paper.
  • Terradas, J.; Magyar, N.; Van Doorsselaere, T., "Effect of magnetic twist on nonlinear transverse kink oscillations of line-tied magnetic flux tubes", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 853, Issue 35, 2018. Paper.
  • Terradas, J.; Arregui, I., "Temporal and spatial scales for coronal heating by Alfvén wave dissipation in transverse loop oscillations", "Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society", Volume 2, Issue 4, 2018. Paper.