Solar physics

Publications in journals

  • Oliver, R.; Soler, R.; Terradas, J.; Zaqarashvili, T.V., "Dynamics of coronal rain and descending plasma blobs in solar prominences. II. Partially ionized case", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 818, Pages 128, 2016. Paper.
  • Luna, M.; Terradas, J.; Khomenko, E.; Collados, M.; de Vicente, A., "On the Robustness of the Pendulum Model for Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in Prominences", "Astrophysical Journal Letters", Volume 817, Pages 157, 2016. Paper.
  • Terradas, J.; Soler, R.; Luna, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.; Wright, A. N., "Solar prominences embedded in flux ropes: morphological features and dynamics from 3D MHD simulations", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 820, Pages 125, 2016. Paper.
  • Soler, R.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L., "The role of Alfve?n wave heating in solar prominences", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 592, Issue A28, 2016. Paper.
  • Ballester, J. L.; Carbonell, M.; Soler, R.; Terradas, J., "Prominence Oscillations: Effect of a Time-dependent Background Temperature", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 591, Issue A109, Pages 1-12, 2016. Paper.
  • Luna, M.; Díaz, A. J.; Oliver, R.; Terradas, J.; Karpen, J., "The effects of magnetic-field geometry on longitudinal oscillations of solar prominences: Cross-sectional area variation for thin tubes", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 593, Pages A64, 2016. Paper.
  • David Martínez-Gómez; Roberto Soler; Jaume Terradas, "Multi-fluid approach to high-frequency waves in plasmas: I. Small-amplitude regime in fully ionized medium", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 832, Issue 2, 2016. Paper.
  • S. Wedemeyer; T. Bastian; R. Brajs?a; H. Hudson; G. Fleishman; M. Loukitcheva; B. Fleck; E.P. Kontar; B. De Pontieu; P. Yagoubov; S.K. Tiwari; R. Soler; J.H. Black; P. Antolin; E. Scullion; S. Guna?r; N. Labrosse; H.-G. Ludwig; A.O. Benz; S.M. White; P. Hauschildt; J.G. Doyle; V.M. Nakariakov; T. Ayres; P. Heinzel; M. Karlicky; T. Van Doorsselaere; D. Gary; C.E. Alissandrakis; A. Nindos; S.K. Solanki; L. Rouppe van der Voort; M. Shimojo; Y. Kato; T. Zaqarashvili; E. Perez; C.L. Selhorst; M. Barta, "Solar Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array¿A New View of Our Sun", "Space Science Reviews", Volume 200, Pages 1-73, 2016. Review.
  • Zapiór, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L.; Heinzel, P., "Synthetic hydrogen spectra of oscillating prominence slabs immersed in the solar corona", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 827, Pages 131, 2016. Paper.
  • Gurgenashvili, E.; Zaqarashvili, T. V.; Kukhianidze, V.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.; Ramishvili, G.; Shergelashvili, B.; Hanslmeier, A.; Poedts, S., "Rieger-type periodicity during solar cycles 14-24: Estimation of dynamo magnetic field strength in the solar interior", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 826, Pages 55, 2016. Paper.
  • Zapiór, M.; Kotrc, P.; Oliver, R.; Procházka, O.; Heinzel, P., "On measurements of the Balmer continuum flux in a solar flare: Analysis of pre-flare and flare pulsations", "Astronomische Nachrichten", Volume 337, Pages 1078-1081, 2016. Paper.