Terradas, J.; Soler, R.; Luna, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Morphology and dynamics of solar prominences from 3D MHD simulations", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 799, Pages 94-109, 2015. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Soler, R.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "On the support of neutrals against gravity in solar prominences", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 802, Pages L28, 2015. Paper.
Soler, R.; Terradas, J., "Magnetohydrodynamic kink waves in nonuniform solar flux tubes: phase mixing and energy cascade to small scales", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 803, Pages 43, 2015. Paper.
Oliver, R.; Ruderman, M.S.; Terradas, J., "Propagation and dispersion of sausage wave trains in magnetic flux tubes", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 806, Pages 56, 2015. Paper.
Kaneko, T.; Goossens, M.; Soler, R.; Terradas, J.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Yokoyama, T.; Wright, A.N., "Apparent cross-field superslow propagation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in solar plasmas", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 812, Pages 121, 2015. Paper.
Ruderman, M. S.; Terradas, J., "Standing kink oscillations of thin twisted magnetic tubes with continuous equilibrium magnetic field", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 580, Pages 57, 2015. Paper.
R. Soler; J. L. Ballester; T. V. Zaqarashvili, "Overdamped Alfvén waves due to ion-neutral collisions in the solar chromosphere", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 573, Pages A79, 2015. Paper.
Soler, R.; Goossens, M.; Ballester, J.L., "Prominence seismology using the period ratio of transverse thread oscillations", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 575, Pages A123, 2015. Paper.
Soler, R.; Carbonell, M.; Ballester, J.L., "On the spatial scales of wave heating in the solar chromosphere", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 810:146, Pages 1-15, 2015. Paper.
Arregui, Iñigo; Soler, Roberto, "Model comparison for the density structure along solar prominence threads", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 578, Pages A130, 2015. Paper.
Arregui, I.; Soler, R.; Asensio Ramos, A., "Model comparision for the density structure across solar coronal waveguides", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 811, Pages 104, 2015. Paper.
Soler, R.; Luna, M., "Damped transverse oscillations of interacting coronal loops", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 582, Pages A120, 2015. Paper.
S. Wedemeyer, T. Bastian, R. Brajs?a, M. Barta, H. Hudson, G. Fleishman, M. Loukitcheva, B. Fleck, E. Kontar, B. De Pontieu, S. Tiwari, Y. Kato, R. Soler, P. Yagoubov, J.H. Black, P. Antolin, S. Gunar, N. Labrosse, A.O. Benz, A. Nindos, M. Steffen, E. Scullion, J.G. Doyle, T. Zaqarashvili, A. Hanslmeier, V.M. Nakariakov, P. Heinzel, T. Ayres, M. Karlicky, "SSALMON - The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory Network", "Advances in Space Research", Volume 56, Pages 2679-2692, 2015. Paper.
Ballai, I.; Oliver, R.; Alexandrou, M., "Dissipative instability in partially ionised prominence plasmas", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 577, Pages A82, 2015. Paper.
Vashalomidze, Z.; Kukhianidze, V.; Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Oliver, R.; Shergelashvili, B.; Ramishvili, G.; Poedts, S.; De Causmaecker, P., "Formation and evolution of coronal rain observed by SDO/AIA on February 22, 2012", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 577, Pages A136, 2015. Paper.
Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Oliver, R.; Hanslmeier, A.; Carbonell, M.; Ballester, J. L.; Gachechiladze, T.; Usoskin, I.G., "Long-term variation in the Sun's activity caused by magnetic Rossby waves in the tachocline", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 805:L14, Pages 1-5, 2015. Paper.
Zapiór, M.; Kotrc, P.; Rudawy, P.; Oliver, R., "Simultaneous observations of solar prominence oscillations using two remote telescopes", "Solar Physics", Volume 290, Pages 1647-1659, 2015. Paper.