Solar physics

Publications in journals

  • Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "The role of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in filaments threads", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 541, Pages A102, 2012. Paper.
  • Goossens, M.; Andries, J.; Soler, R.; Van Doosselaere, T.; Arregui, I.; Terradas, J., "Surface Alfvén Waves in Solar Flux Tubes", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 753, Pages id.111-1-id.111-12, 2012. Paper.
  • Goossens, M.; Soler, R.; Arregui, I.; Terradas, J., "Analytic Approximate Seismology of Propagating Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Corona", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 760, Pages id.98-1-id.98-8, 2012. Paper.
  • Terradas, J.; Goossens, M.;, "Transverse kink oscillations in the presence of twist", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 548, Issue 1, Pages 112, 2012. Paper.
  • Soler, R.; Díaz, A.J.; Ballester, J.L.; Goossens, M., "Kelvin-Hemholtz instability in Partially Ionized Compressible Plasmas", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 749, Pages 163-174, 2012. Paper.
  • Soler, R.; Ballester, J.L.; Parenti, S., "Stability of thermal modes in cool prominence plasmas", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 540, Pages A7, 2012. Paper.
  • Díaz, A.J.; Soler, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Rayleigh-Taylor instability in partially ionized compressible plasmas", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 754, Pages id.41-1-id.41-12, 2012. Paper.
  • Soler, R.; Ruderman, M.; Goossens, M., "Damped kink oscillations of flowing prominence threads", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 546, Pages A82-1-A82-9, 2012. Paper.
  • Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Prominence oscillations", "Living Reviews In Solar Physics", Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 1-109, 2012. Review.
  • Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Carbonell, M.; Ballester, J.L.; Khodachenko, M.L., "Cut-off wavenumber of Alfvén waves in partially ionized plasmas of the solar atmosphere", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 544, Issue A143, Pages 1-6, 2012. Paper.