Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Carbonell, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Magnetic Rossby waves in the solar tachocline and Rieger-type periodicities", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 709, Pages 749-758, 2010. Paper.
Soler, R.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Time damping of non-adiabatic magnetohydrodynamic waves in a partially ionized prominence plasma: effect of helium", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 512, Pages A28, 2010. Paper.
Rial, S.; Arregui, I.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Three-dimensional Propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Solar Coronal Arcades", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 713, Issue 1, Pages 651-661, 2010. Paper.
Carbonell, M.; Forteza, P.; Oliver, R. i Ballester, J.L., "The spatial damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves in a flowing partially ionised prominence plasma.", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 515, Issue A80, Pages 1-12, 2010. Paper.
Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Díaz, A.J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Instability of twisted magnetic tubes with axial mass flows", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 516, Pages A84-A96, 2010. Paper.
Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Carbonell, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Quasi-biennial oscillations in the solar tachocline caused by magnetic Rossby wave instabilities", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 724, Issue L95, Pages 1-4, 2010. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Goossens, M.; Ballai, I., "The effect of longitudinal flow on resonantly damped kink oscillations", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 515, Issue A46, 2010. Paper.
Verth, G.; Terradas, J.; Goossens, M., "Observational Evidence of Resonantly Damped Propagating Kink Waves in the Solar Corona", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 718, Issue 2, Pages L102-L105, 2010. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Goossens, M.; Verth, G., "Selective spatial damping of propagating kink waves due to resonant absorption", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 524, Issue A23, 2010. Paper.
Ballester, J.L., "The damping of small-amplitude oscillations in quiescent prominences", "Advances in Space Research", Volume 46, Pages 364-376, 2010. Paper.
Mackay, D. H.; Karpen, J.; Ballester, J. L.; Schmieder, B.; Aulanier, G., "Physics of solar prominences: II-Magnetic structure and dynamics", "Space Science Reviews", Volume 151, Pages 333-399, 2010. Paper.