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Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L.; Keppens, R., "On the properties of low-beta magnetohydrodynamic waves in curved coronal fields", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 675, Pages 875-884, 2008. Paper.
Gomis, D.; Ruíz, S.; Sotillo, M.G.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Terradas, J., "Low frequency Mediterranean sea level variability: the contribution of atmospheric pressure and wind", "Global and Planetary Change", Volume 63, Issue 2-3, Pages 215-229, 2008. Paper.
Arregui, I.; Ballester, J.L.; Goossens, M., "On the scaling of the damping time for resonantly damped oscillations in coronal loops", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 676, Pages L77-L80, 2008. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Transverse oscillations of flowing prominence threads observed with HINODE", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 678, Pages L153-L156, 2008. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.; Andries, J.; Goossens, M., "Resonant absorption in complicated plasma configurations: applications to multistranded coronal loop oscillations", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 679, Pages 1611-1620, 2008. Paper.
Goossens, M.; Arregui, I.; Ballester, J.L.; Wang, T.J., "Approximate analytical seismology of transversely oscillating coronal loops", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 484, Pages 851-857, 2008. Paper.
Arregui, I.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L., "Damping of fast magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in quiescent filament threads", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 682, Pages L141-L144, 2008. Paper.
Terradas, J.; Andries, J.; Goossens, M.; Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Nonlinear instability of kink oscillations dues to shear motions", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 687, Pages L115-L118, 2008. Paper.
Arregui, I.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "The Resonant Damping of Fast Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in a System of Two Coronal Slabs", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 674, Pages 1179-1190, 2008. Paper.
Luna, M.; Terradas, J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J.L., "Transverse Oscillations of Two Coronal Loops", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 676, Issue 1, Pages 717-727, 2008. Paper.
Aschwanden, M.; Terradas, J., "The Effect of Radiative Cooling on Coronal Loop Oscillations", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volume 686, Pages 127, 2008. Paper.