Solar physics

Publications in journals

  • Smith, J. M.; Roberts, B.; Oliver, R., "Ducted fast waves in coronal loops: curvature effects", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 317, Pages 752-760, 1997. Paper.
  • Cadez, V.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L., "Magnetic arcades in stellar coronae: I. Cylindrical geometry", "Astrophysics and Space Science", Issue 247, Pages 67-83, 1997. Paper.
  • Smith, J. M.; Roberts, B.; Oliver, R., "Magnetoacoustic wave propagation in current sheets", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Volume 327, Pages 377-387, 1997. Paper.
  • Ruderman, M. S.; Goossens, M.; Ballester, J. L.; Oliver, R., "Resonant Alfvén waves in coronal arcades driven by footpoint motions", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Issue 328, Pages 361-370, 1997. Paper.
  • Molowny-Horas, R.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.; Baudin, F., "Observations of Doppler oscillations in a solar prominence", "Solar Physics", Volume 172, Pages 181-188, 1997. Paper.