Experimental Physics of Complex Systems (FESC)

Publications in journals

  • Soriano, M.C.; Colet, P.; Mirasso, C.R., "Security Implications of Open- and Closed-Loop Receivers in All-Optical Chaos-Based Communications", "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", Volume 21, Issue 7, Pages 426-428, 2009. Paper.
  • Ruiz-Oliveras, F.; Soriano, M.C.; Colet, P.; Mirasso, C.R., "Information Encoding and Decoding Using Unidirectionally Coupled Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers Subject to Filtered Optical Feedback", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume 45, Issue 8, Pages 972-978, 2009. Paper.
  • Zunino, L.; Soriano, M.C.; Figliola, A.; Perez, D.G.; Garavaglia, M.; Mirasso, C.R.; Rosso, O.A., "Performance of encryption schemes in chaotic optical communication: A multifractal approach" [Digital Object Identifier], "Optics Communications", Volume 282, Issue 23, Pages 4587-4594, 2009. Paper.
  • Yanne Chembo Kouomou, Shyram K. Mandre, Ingo Fischer, Wolgang Elsässer, Pere Colet, "Controlling the emission properties of multimode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers via polarization and frequency-selective feedback", "Physical Review A", Volume 79, Pages 013817-1-013817-10, 2009. Paper.
  • Erzgräber, H.; Wille, E.; Krauskopf, B. and Fischer, I., "Amplitude phase dynamics near the locking region of two delay-coupled semiconductor lasers", "Nonlinearity", Volume 22, Issue 585, 2009. Paper.
  • Guy Verschaffelt, Gordon Craggs, Michael Peeters, Shyam K. Mandre, Hugo Thienpont, and Ingo Fischer, "Spatially resolved characterization of the coherence area in the incoherent emission regime of a broad-area vertical cavity surface emitting laser", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume QE-45, Issue 249, 2009. Paper.
  • Flunkert, V.; D'Huys, O.; Danckaert, J.; Fischer, I.; Schöll, E., "Bubbling in delay-coupled lasers", "Physical Review E", Volume 79, Issue 065201(R), 2009. Paper.
  • Gordon Craggs, Guy Verschaffelt, Shyam K. Mandre, and Ingo Fischer, "Thermally controlled onset of spatially incoherent emission in a broad area vertical cavity surface emitting laser", "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", Volume 15, Issue 555, 2009. Paper.
  • D. Brunner; B.D. Gerardot; P.A. Dalgarno; G. Wust; K. Karrai; N.G. Stoltz; P.M. Petroff; R.J. Warburton, "A Coherent Single-Hole Spin in a Semiconductor", "Science", Volume 325, Issue 5936, Pages 70-72, 2009. Paper.
  • B.D. Gerardot; D. Brunner; P.A. Dalgarno; K. Karrai; A. Badolato; P.M. Petroff; R.J. Warburton, "Dressed excitonic states and quantum interference in a three-level quantum dot ladder system", "New Journal of Physics", Volume 11, Issue 013028, 2009. Paper.
  • M. Escalona-Morán, L. A. Molina, M. G. Cosenza, "Complejidad estadística en series temporales: Aplicaciones a señales EEG", "Revista Científica UNET", Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 97, 2009. Paper.
  • Soriano, M.; Colet, P. and Mirasso, C., "Security Aspects of Open and Closed Loop Receivers in All-Optical Chaos-Based Communication Systems", "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", 2009. Paper.
  • D. Syvridis; A. Argyris; A. Bogris; M. Hamacher; I. Giles, "Integrated devices for optical chaos generation and communication applications", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume 45, Issue 11, Pages 1421-1428, 2009. Paper.