Experimental Physics of Complex Systems (FESC)

Publications in journals

  • Mirasso, C. R.; Hernández-García, E.; Dellunde, J.; Torrent, M. C.; Sancho,J. M., "Current modulation and transient dynamics of single-mode semiconductor lasers under different feedback conditions", "IEE Proceedings-Optoelectronics", Volume 142, Issue 1, Pages 17-22, 1995. Paper.
  • Dellunde, J.; Torrent, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; Hernández-García, E.; Sancho, J. M., "Analytical calculations of switch-on time and timing jitter in diode lasers subjected to optical feedback and external light injection", "Optics Communications", Volume 115, Issue 5-6, Pages 523-527, 1995. Paper.
  • Dellunde, J.; Mirasso, C. R.; Torrent, M. C.; Sancho, J. M.; Hernández-García, E., "Transient dynamics of a single-mode semiconductor laser subjected to both optical feedback and external light injection", "Optical and Quantum Electronics", Volume 27, Issue 8, Pages 755-760, 1995. Paper.
  • Revuelta, J.; Pesquera, L.; Hernández-García, E.; Mirasso, C. R., "Effect of Phase-conjugate optical feedback on turn-on jitter in laser diodes", "Optics Letters", Volume 20, Issue 21, Pages 2213-2215, 1995. Paper.
  • Mirasso, C. R.; Pesquera, L., "Transmission of Solitons Generated under Periodic and Pseudorandom Word Word Modulation of Laser Diodes", "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 437-439, 1995. Paper.
  • Valle, A.; Mirasso, C. R.; Pesquera, L., "Mode Partition Noise of Nearly Single Mode Semiconductor Lasers Modulated at Gigahertz Rates", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 876-885, 1995. Paper.
  • Martínez-Linares, J.; Mirasso, C. R.; García-Fernández, P.; Bermejo, J., "Analytical and Numerical Evaluation of Transmission Characteristics of Chirped DFB Lasers in Dispersive Optical Fibers", "Optics Communications", Volume 116, Issue 1-3, Pages 116-122, 1995. Paper.
  • Mirasso, C. R., "Pulse Width Reduction in Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers via External Injection of Optical Pulses", "Applied Physics Letters", Volume 66, Issue 15, Pages 1880, 1995. Paper.
  • Dellunde, J.; Torrent, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; Sancho, J. M., "Turn-on Time Stastics of Modulated Lasers Subjected to Resonant Weak Optical Feedback", "Physical Review A", Volume 52, Issue 5, Pages 4187-4193, 1995. Paper.