Experimental Physics of Complex Systems (FESC)

Publications in journals

  • Mirasso, C. R.; Massidda, V., "Orientational transitions in a one-dimensional lattice of molecules with dipole and quadrupole moments", "Physica A", Volume 172, Issue 3, Pages 320-335, 1991. Paper.
  • Mirasso, C. R.; Martín, H. O., "Lattice covering time problem for k-times visited sites", "Zeitschrift für Physik B-Condensed Matter", Volume 82, Issue 3, Pages 433-436, 1991. Paper.
  • Mirasso, C. R.; Toral, R., "Commensurate Configurations in the Ground State of a φ4 model with next-nearest-neighbours interactions.", "Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter", Volume 3, Issue 46, Pages 8999-9005, 1991. Paper.
  • Claudio R. Mirasso; P. Colet; M. San Miguel., "Pulse statistics in single-mode semiconductor lasers modulated at gigahertz rates.", "Optics Letters", Volume 16, Pages 1753-1755, 1991. Paper.